释义 |
衣冠楚楚yī guān chǔ chǔall pricked (/spruced)up; be dressed up to the nines; be neatly (/smartly/immaculately) dressed; be ritually attired; in full dress; well-groomed ❍ 那些年头,郭世富把自己装扮得~,挑着用洁白毛巾覆盖着的一对大竹篮子,到县城里的韩公馆去散“财神”。(柳青《创业史》72)Shifu often would dress himself neatly,take a pair of bamboo baskets covered by clean white towel cloths,and go into town to pay his respects to his “God of Wealth”./ “她到哪里去呀?”水嘴吃惊地问。郭振山教育~的小伙子说:“旁人的事情,你甭打听!你不打听旁人的事能过日子嘛……”(柳青《创业史》253)“Where’s she going?”the neatly dressd Blabbermouth asked in surprise. “Don’t you bother about other people’s affairs,”Zhenshan in structed him. “Just mind your own business and you’ll get along fine.”/蜉蝣之羽,衣裳楚楚。(《诗经·曹风·蜉蝣》) The wings of the ephemera|Are robes,bright and splendid. ❍ 也有小的,也有老的,仪表端正的,獐头鼠目的,衣冠齐楚,蓝缕破烂的。(《儒林外史》35) There were young and old,handsome and homely,smart and shabby men among them. 衣冠楚楚immaculately dressed 衣冠楚楚yī ɡuān chǔ chǔ楚楚:鲜明的样子。形容穿戴整齐漂亮。be immaculately dressed, in full dress, attire oneself, dapper |