衣yī ❶ (衣服) clothing; clothes; garment: 单[夹] ~ unlined [lined] dress; 丰 ~ 足食 have ample food and clothing; 和 ~ 而睡 sleep in one's clothes; 毛 ~ 毛裤 woolen sweater and pants; 我的冬 ~ 很充裕。 I am well-off for winter clothing. ❷ (包在物体外面的一层东西)coating; covering: 花生 ~ membrane of peanuts; 炮 ~ gun cover; 糖 ~ sugar coating ❸ {中医} (胞衣) afterbirth: 胞 ~ (human) afterbirth ❹ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 秀 Yi Xiu 另见 see also yì。 ◆衣胞 afterbirth; 衣钵 a Buddhist monk's mantle and alms bowl which he hands down to his favourite disciple; legacy; 衣不蔽体 be in rags; be dressed in rags [tatters]; be of shreds and patches; have insufficient clothing to cover one's nakedness; have no clothes to one's back; have not a shirt [a rag] to one's back; have nothing but rags on one's back; not enough shreds to have one's back; covered; wear rags; wear shabby clothes; 衣橱 wardrobe; garderobe; clothes press; 衣袋 pocket; 衣兜 lap; 衣蛾 casemaking clothes moth; clothes moth; tinea pellionella; 衣服 clothing; clothes; dress; habiliment; graith; harness; [英方] brat; [美俚] threads; toilette; array; clout; 衣钩 clothes hook; 衣冠 hat and clothes; dress; 衣冠楚楚 in smart clothes; dressed like a gentleman; be dressed up to the nines; be smartly [immaculately; decently] dressed; 衣冠禽兽 a beast in human clothing [attire; dress]; a well-dressed man of beastly temper; 衣柜 armoire; robe; kas; wardrobe; 衣架 clothes stand [hanger]; clothes tree; (coat) hanger; clothes-rack; 衣襟 the one or two pieces making up the front of a Chinese jacket; 衣料 apparel fabric; material for clothing; dress material; suiting; 衣领 neck; collar; 衣帽架 hallstand; hatstand; hat rack; clothes tree; 衣帽间 cloakroom; locker room; check room; coatroom; 衣衫 clothes; dress; 衣衫褴褛 be shabby in dress; be clothed in ragged garments; be in rags; 衣裳 [口] clothing; clothes; 衣食住行 clothing,food, shelter [housing] and transportation — basic necessities of life; 衣物 clothing and other articles of daily use; 衣箱 suitcase; trunk; 衣鱼 silverfish; fish moth; bookworm; bristletail; Lepisma; firebrat; 衣着 clothing, headgear and footwear
衣yì [书] (穿衣服; 拿衣服给人穿) dress 另见 see also yī。 ◆衣锦还乡 return to one's hometown in silken robes; go back home in embroidered clothes; go home loaded with honours; return home after making good; return to one's hometown in glory; 衣锦[绣]昼行 parade beautifully dressed in broad daylight; act for show; be officer in one's hometown; return home as rich person; walk in embroidered clothes in daytime |