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单词 街头巷尾

街头巷尾jiē tóu xiàng wěi

in all parts of the town; in every street and alley (/lane); in street corners/……而且她还会穿针,就尤其希奇古怪,使~弄得闹嚷嚷。(《鲁迅选集》Ⅳ—177)…besides which,the even more remarkable fact that she could thread a needle caused quite a stir in the streets.
❍ 从此,他就经常借故将书匣寄在小贩摊子上,躲在~去玩。(李六如《六十年的变迁》 Ⅰ—10) From then on he often left his class for one excuse or another and went to play on the streets,leaving his satchel with a friendly hawker.
❍ 目前家家户户,~,人们议论的是“反割头税运动”。(梁斌《红旗谱》257) At the moment,in every household ,road and lane ,they were discussing the movement to resist the pig tax.
❍ 啊呀! 谁也说不清投考的人有多少!~,一片学生蓝。(柳青《创业史》439)Aiya,who knew how many had come? The streets,the lanes,were a mass of blue student tunics.

街头巷尾jie tou xiang wei

streets and lanes


On Streets and Alleys

街头巷尾jiē tóu xiànɡ wěi

指大街小巷。streets and lanes, on the street corners, every street and alley





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