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单词 血肉相连

血肉相连血肉相关;血肉相联xuè ròu xiāng lián

as close as flesh and blood;be inseparably linked to; have close (/flesh-and-blood) ties with
❍ 成为伟大的中华民族的一部分而和这个民族血肉相联的共产党员,离开中国特点来谈马克思主义,只是抽象的空洞的马克思主义。(《毛泽东选集》500) For the Chinese Communists who are part of the great Chinese nation,flesh of its flesh and blood of its blood,any talk about Marxism in isolation from China’s characteristics is merely Marxism in the abstract,Marxism in a vacuum.
❍ 我们的领袖是从人民当中生长出来的领袖,他是跟中国人民血肉相关的,是和中国的大地、土壤密切相关的。(周恩来《学习毛泽东》) Our leader is born of the people,has flesh-and-blood ties with the Chinese people and close ties with the country and the soil of China.
❍ 我们党是群众的党,在今天,已有了八十万的党员,五十万的军队,并与近万万的群众在实际的战争的生活中~起来了。(《周恩来选集》上—139) Ours is a mass Party. It has a membership of 8000,000 and an army of 5000,000 and it has formed ties of flesh and blood with nearly 100 million people in the course of the actual fighting.


as close as flesh and blood;be one with each other
我们两国人民~,休戚与共。Our two peoples have a flesh and blood relationship,sharing weal and woe./和人民群众~maintain fleshand-blood ties with the masses of the people/与人民~的子弟兵an army which enjoys flesh-and-blood ties with the people





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更新时间:2025/3/3 19:17:31