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单词 螳臂当车

螳臂当车táng bì dāng chē

a mantis trying to stop(/obstruct) a chariot—overrate oneself and try to hold back an overwhelmingly superior force;an ineffectual effort; over-estimate one’s own strength;throw straws against the wind; try to sweep back the Atlantic with a broom
❍ 对这一不可抗拒的历史潮流横加阻挠的人,到头来只能落得个~的不光彩下场。Those who try to obstruct such an irresistible current will only end up disgracefully like the grass hopper in the fable which tried to stop the chariot.

螳臂当车tang bi dang che

mantis trying to stop a chariot—overrate oneself and try to hold back an overwhelmingly superior force


a mantis trying to stop a chariot—overrate oneself and try to hold back an overshelmingly superior force;take no proper measure of oneself

螳臂当车tánɡ bì dānɡ chē

螳臂:螳螂的前腿;当:阻挡。比喻不自量力。overrate oneself and try to hold back an overwhelmingly superior force, kick against the pricks, throw straws against the wind, mantis shanks to stop a carriage





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