蜡(蠟)là ❶ (动物、矿物或植物所产生的油质) wax: 白 ~ white [insect] wax; 蜂 ~ beeswax; 石 ~ paraffin wax ❷ (蜡烛) candle: 点一支 ~ light a candle; 瞎子点灯 — 白费 ~ a blind man using a candle — a total waste ❸ (擦光剂) polish: 地板 ~ floor wax [polish]; 发 ~ pomade 另见 see also zhà。 ◆蜡版 mimeograph stencil; 蜡笔 pencil; wax crayon; 蜡布 cerecloth; patent cloth; 蜡虫 wax insect; 蜡光纸 {纸} calendered paper; flint-glazed paper; glazed paper; 蜡果 {工美} wax fruit; 蜡花 snuff (of a candlewick); 蜡黄 wax yellow; waxen; sallow; 蜡疗 wax therapy; 蜡染wax printing; 蜡人 waxwork; wax doll; 蜡台 candlestick; 蜡丸 wax-wrapped pill; 蜡像 waxen image; wax statue; 蜡纸 {纸} waxed paper; mimeograph paper; multigraph paper; stencil paper; stencil; 蜡烛candle; bougie; slut
蜡zhà (古代一种年终祭祀) a sacrifice offered at the end of the year 另见 see also là。 |