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(能吐丝作茧的昆虫,通常专指家蚕) silkworm: 家 ~ domestic silkworm;
桑 ~ mulberry-feeding silkworm;
养 ~ raise silkworms;silkworm breeding;sericulture;
养 ~ 业 sericulture;
野 ~ wild silkworm
◆蚕箔[薄] a bamboo tray for raising silkworms;reed mat for silkworm culture;
蚕簇 a small bundle of straw,etc.,for silkworms to spin cocoons on;
蚕豆 Vicia faba;broad bean;
蚕蛾 silkworm moth;silk moth;
蚕茧 silkworm cocoon;
蚕眠 the inactive state of the silkworm before it sheds its skin;(of silkworm) hibernate;
蚕农 silkworm raiser;sericulturist;
蚕女[姑] (养蚕女子) silkworm-raising woman;(中国神话中传说的蚕神) Goddess of Silkworm;
蚕食 nibble (up);encroach on [upon];蚕食鲸吞 gnaw as [like] a silkworm or swallow as [like] a whale;bite off little by little as a silkworm;gulp down or eat up by degrees;nibble at or gobble up (a neighbor's territory);nibble away like a silkworm or swallow like a whale;seize another country's territory by piecemeal encroachment or wholesale annexation;take by force and encroach upon land [territory];蚕室 (养蚕的房屋) silkworm nursery;magnanerie;(古代施行宫型的牢房) prison where the punishment of castration was inflicted in ancient times;
蚕丝 natural silk;silk;
蚕蚁 newly-hatched silkworm;
蚕蛹 silkworm chrysalis [pupa];蚕纸 paper with silkworm eggs;silkworm-egg card





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