(构词成分): ~ 螂 [- lɑnɡ] [方](蜻蜓) dragonfly 另见 see also mǎ; mà。
(构词成分): ~ 蜂 [- fēnɡ] hornet; wasp; ~ 蟥 [- huánɡ] leech; ~ 蚁 [- yǐ] ant 另见 see also mā; mà。 ◆蚂蚁啃骨头 plod away at a big job bit by bit; (like) ants gnawing at a bone — a concentration of small machines on a big job; make huge machines with small machine tools; 蚂蚁缘槐 Ants climb up and down the locust — said of self-conceited people.; ants on the locust tree — little people inflated with pride
(构词成分): ~ 蚱 [- zhɑ] [方] locust 另见 see also mā; mǎ。