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单词 虚情假意

虚情假意xū qíng jiǎ yì

a false display of affection; hypocritical show of cordiality (/friendship)
❍ 查田定产以后,姚士杰似乎觉得再没必要~了。(柳青《创业史》198) Now,Yao seemed to feel that it was no longer necessary to pretend.
❍ 政府宣布土改时期结束了! 你那套~就用不着了! (柳青《创业史》78) Now that the government has proclaimed theland-reform period over,you’ve quit pretending.
❍ 但是一想起郭世富巴结郭振山是~,虽然外表上和他姚士杰离得远了,而内心还是挨得近的,……(柳青《创业史》187)But of course he knew that Shifu’s flattery of Zhenshan was pure hypocrisy,and that while the prosperous middle peasant had pretended to be far removed from him,Yao,in fact they were very much akin.

虚情假意xū qínɡ jiǎ yì

虚假的情意。形容待人一点诚意都没有,只是表面上敷衍了事、应付。false display of affection, hypocritical show of friendship, put up a phony show





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