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单词 interest
释义 interest2 /'intrast; hntartst/ vt [VP6A, 14] ~ sb (in sth), cause (sb) to give his attention to: 使注意:使关心; 使感兴趣: Can 1 ~ you in this question? 我可以请你注意这个问题吗? He is ~ed in shipping, a likes to know and learn about ships. 他对船舶感兴趣。 b has money invested in the shipping industry. 他投资于航运案。 ~ed adj —ed (in), 1 having an interest (5) in; not impartial: 有利害关系的; 有权益的; 偏私的: When manufacturers demand higher tariffs, we may suspect them of having ~ed motives. 厂商要求提高关税时,我们会怀疑他们有自私的动机。 2 showing interest (1): 表现出兴趣的: an ~ed look. 一付有兴趣的样子。 3 taking an interest ⑴ ini 感兴趣函: ~ed spectators; 感兴趣的观览者。 not ~ed in botany/his work. 对植物学 (他的工作) 不感兴趣。 I shall be ~ed to know hat happens. 我很想知道将要发生什么事。 ~ing adj holding the attention; arousing interest (l): 有趣味的; 令人发生兴趣的: ~ i g men/books/conversation. 有趣的人 (书籍,谈话) 。 ~inflly adv




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