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单词 string
string/strɪ ŋ/ nvt strungstrung/strʌŋ/]

n (1)(一段)线(细绳)((length of) slender cord or thick thread for binding or typing;line)[UC]:a ball/length/piece of~一团/段/根线;nylon~尼龙绳;tie up/attach sth with~用绳捆/系……;a puppet on~s 提线木偶;apron-~s 围裙带子;the~s of a bonnet 女帽帽带;the~s in one's tennis racket 网球拍上的弦;the~around a package 包裹上的线;The key/medal is hanging on a~round her neck. 钥匙/奖牌上穿了一根线挂在她脖子上。〖同〗cord,thread,line,binding;

(2)琴弦(thin piece of material on a musical instrument)[C]:need a new~for one's guitar 吉他需要一根新弦;There are four~s on a violin. 小提琴有四根琴弦。G-/A-~G/A弦;a~instrument/orchestra/quartet 弦乐器/弦乐团/弦乐四重奏;a~ed instrument 弦乐器;

(3)弦乐器;弦乐器演奏者(stringed instrumentsesp those played with a bow;players on such instruments in an orchestra or band)[pl]:The conductor said the~s were too loud. 指挥说弦乐器演奏得太响了。

(4)一串(挂)(series or group of things threaded on a cord)[C][N (of)]:a~of beads/pearls 一串珠子/珍珠;a~of onions一辫葱头;

(5)一连串(系列,排)(series of people or things)[C][N (of)]:a~of visitors/arguments/three consecutive triumphs 一长列参观者/一系列争论/一连三个胜利;utter a~of complaints/abuse 发出一连串的抱怨/咒骂;utter a~of lies/curses/prayers说出一连串的谎言/诅咒/祈祷;A~of hotels lined the beach. 一溜旅店排列在海边。 A~of cars came down the street. 一连串的汽车沿街驶过。 A~of people stood by the roadside. 一队人在马路边上站成一排。〖同〗file,procession,parade,row,chain,column,line,series,queue;

(6)(豆荚等的)筋(tough piece uniting the two halves of a bean-pod)[C]:the~s of beans 豆荚筋;

have/keep sb on a string 操纵(支配)某人:She's really had him on a~! 她真是牵着他的鼻子!

pull strings 托人情,走关系:If you want to see the Governor,Mr. Root can pull~s for you. 如果你要见总督,鲁特先生可以为你走关系。

pull the strings 幕后操纵:The Government pulled the~s when the National Bank decided to change the bank rate. 国家银行决定改变银行利率时,政府在暗中操纵。

with no strings attached/without strings(infml)不附带条件:offer financial aid without~s attached 无条件提供财政援助;

→′stringy adj 似绳(线)的;有筋的;多筋的;′stringiness n 多筋;

vt (1)(用线、绳等)缚(扎,挂)(tie or hang with a stringropeetc)[T+n+prepT+n+adv (up)]:~the lights on the Christmas tree/the lamps round the hall/the clothes line between the two trees 把灯拴在圣诞树上/在大厅四周挂起一圈灯/在那两棵树之间拉一条晾衣绳;~up coloured lights round the garden/two lanterns above the door 在花园四周挂上彩灯/在门上方挂两个灯笼;

(2)……装弦(put a string or strings on...)[T+n]:~one's bow 给弓装弦;have one's tennis racket strung 让人给自己的网球拍装弦;The violin is loosely/tightly strung. 这把小提琴的弦装得很松/紧。〖同〗stretch,extend,spread;

(3)用线串,把……连在一起(thread sth on a string or put together with others)[T+n]:~beads/pearls 把珠子/珍珠穿成一串;~the pearls too tightly/loosely 把珍珠穿得太紧/松;~sentences/phrases/words (fig)把句子/短语/词组合起来;The ideas are strung together coherently.(fig) 思想连贯一致起来。

(4)去掉(豆荚等)的筋(remove strings from(vegetablesetc))[T+n]:wash and~the beans 把豆荚洗洗,并去掉筋;

string along (with)(v adv) 1)陪伴,搭伙(vi):I'll~along with someone who's driving into the next town. 我将和驾车去下一个镇子的人结伴而行。2)欺(哄)骗(vt):I have a feeling that the young man is just~ing us along. Check his credentials. 我有一种感觉,那个年轻人在欺骗我们。查查他的证件。

string out (v adv) (拉开距离)排列(vt & vi):The officer strung out his men in front of the building. 那军官命令他手下的人在楼房前一字排开。

string up (v adv)绞(吊)死(vt):“S~him up!” shouted the crowd. 人群喊叫着:“吊死他!”

→′stringed adj 有线(绳,弦)的;

【辨异】string cordropethreadwire的区别见CORD。





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