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单词 strike
strike/straɪk/ v struckstruck/strʌk/;-eing/ ɪ ŋ/]; n

v (1)打,击,敲,撞(bitknock or give a blow to sb or sth)[I+prep (at),T+nT+n+prepT+n+advD+n+n]:The fighter struck at his opponent but missed. 那拳手向他的对手打过去,但落空了。~sb/a table angrily 愤怒地打某人/敲桌子;The car/ship struck a rock. 那汽车/船撞上了岩石。The man (tree) was struck by a stone/lightning. 那人(树)被石头/闪电击中。I apologise for~ing you. 抱歉撞了你。~the enemy with all one's might 全力打击敌人;~a nail with a hammer 用榔头敲击钉子;~sb to the ground/in the face with one's fist 用拳头把某人打倒在地/打某人的脸;~a blow at injustice (fig)对不公正予以抨击;~one's axe into a tree 把斧子砍进树中;~one's dagger into sb 把匕首刺向某人;~one's head on/against the beam (~the beam with one's head) 头撞上了横梁(用自己的头撞横梁);A stone~s him on the nose/on the side of the head. 石头击中他鼻子/头的一侧。~the ball away 把球击开;~a blow for freedom (fig)采取行动支持自由事业;~a door a heavy blow with one's fist 用拳头重重击门;~one's opponent tremendous blow on the jaw 给对手的下巴狠狠的一击;〖同〗hit,bang,box,club,knock,pound,smash,beat;
 (2)袭击,攻击(attack or begin an attackesp with sudden force)[IT+n]:A storm/lightning struck. 暴风雨袭来/闪电劈来。(enemy)~at night/dawn(敌人)在夜间/拂晓发动进攻;Tom leapt back as the animal struck. 当动物袭来,汤姆迅速向后跳去。Our troops struck the enemy camp at night. 我们部队夜间向敌人营地发动了攻击。〖同〗attack,hit,charge;
 (3)擦着(燃)((cause to) produce lightetc by friction)[IT+nT+n+prep]:These matches won't~. 这些火柴划不着。~a match/a light 划火柴/打着火;~sparks from a flint 用火石打火;
 (4)(使)发声,鸣,响((cause to) produce (a sound))[IT+nT+n+prep]:The chimes struck at midnight.和谐的钟声敲响于午夜。Twelve/The hour has just struck. 刚敲过12点/正点。The clock has struck 12/noon. 这钟敲过12点/午时。The clock~s the hours. 这钟每小时敲响一次。~the piano keys 敲击钢琴键;~a chord on the piano 在钢琴上弹奏出和音;His speech struck a note of sadness/gloom when he mentioned those who had died in the war.(fig) 当他提到战争中死去的人们时,他的演说带有一种悲痛/忧郁的语调。〖同〗sound,ring;
 (5)勘察到,发现,找到(find or discover(goldmineralsoiletc or a place))[T+n]:~oil/gold/gas/a rich vein of ore 发现石油/金子/天然气/富矿脉;At last we struck the road/the right path. 最终我们找到了路/正确的路。
 (6)锻造(make (a coin or similar object) by stamping or punching)[T+n]:~a medal/commemorative gold coin 锻造奖牌/纪念金币;A medal was struck in memory of the great victory. 为纪念那次伟大的胜利而锻造了纪念章。
 (7)突然想起(到)(enter the mind of sb or occur to sb's mind suddenly)[T+nD+n+thatD+n+wh][不用prog]:An idea/A thought suddenly struck him. 他忽然有了个主意/想法。The idea struck my fancy. 那个想法忽然进入了我的想象中。It struck me that you are wrong/we ought to make a new plan. 我突然想到你错了/我们应该制定一个新计划。It suddenly struck him how they could improve the situation. 他突然想到一个办法可以使他们改善局势。〖同〗occur to,reach;
 (8)给……以(深刻)印象(感觉),影响,产生效果(have a (strong) effect on)[T+nT+n+prep (as)]:How does the house/the plan/the man~you? 你感到这房子/计划/人如何? be struck by sb's air of confidence/sb's beauty/sb's suggestion 对某人自信的神态/漂亮/建议有深刻印象;Her enthusiasm for work struck her teacher favourably. 她的工作热情给老师留下了很好的印象。It struck me that I had had an extremely narrow escape. 我感觉自己真是九死一生。It struck her how quiet and gentle he was. 她感到他是多么的温文尔雅。What struck me was that those fellows have all suffered a lot. 给我的印象是那些人受了许多磨难。The plan (discussion)~s me as ridiculous/pointless. 我感到计划(讨论)可笑/无意义。It struck me as queer that he refused to give his name. 他拒绝说出自己的名字,让我感到很奇怪。〖同〗impress,affect;
 (9)罢工(stop working as a protest)[II+prep (for/against)]:the right to~罢工的权利;~ing workers/miners 罢工的工人/矿工;The transit workers struck just before Christmas. 运输工人在圣诞节前夕罢工。~for a pay increase/shorter working hours/better working conditions 为提高工资/缩短工作时间/改善工作条件而罢工;~against the dismissal of a colleague 为反对解雇一名同事而罢工;
 (10)(疾病等)侵袭(肆虐)((of diseasedisasteretc) cause sudden harm)[IT+n pass]:The tragedy struck again. 悲剧再次发生。prevent the disease from~ing again 防止疾病再次流行;The plague struck Europe. 瘟疫袭击了欧洲。A blight struck the entire crop. 所有农作物都染上了枯萎病。They were struck down by illness/an outbreak of cholera. 他们受到疾病的打击/霍乱的侵袭。〖同〗hit;
 (11)使突然处于某种状态(bring (sb) suddenly and unexpectedly into a specified state by or as if by a single stroke)[C+n+adj pass]:be struck blind/dumb/silent 突然瞎/哑/沉默不语了;be struck dumb with amazement惊得哑口无言;
 (12)插(枝条)(put (a piece of a plant) into earth so that it can grow into a full plant)[T+n]:The gardener struck some cuttings. 花匠插下一些枝条。
 (13)降,拆,撤(lower or pull down (a sailtentflagetc))[T+n]:~sails 降帆;~the set after the play is over 戏结束后撤掉布景;strike camp 拔营;
 (14)达到(arrive at)[T+n]:We struck Rome before dark. 我们在天黑前到达罗马。
 be struck on sb/sth (infml)非常喜爱,迷恋:Alan's very much struck on Emily. 艾伦非常迷恋埃米莉。
 strike an attitude/a pose 做出(采取)某种姿态(样子);装腔作势:He's always~ing attitudes. 他总是装腔作势。
 strike a balance (between)折中,妥协:We must~a balance between the two ideas. 我们必须在两个主意中取得折中。
 strike a bargain (with sb)与……达成协议,成交:They struck a bargain about the price of the house. 他们就房屋的价格达成了协议。
 strike a blow for/against sth 为支持/反对……采取行动:A blow was struck for women's right today. 为当今妇女的权利而进行了奋争。
 strike a cord (with sb)说得让(某人)同情:The chairman has obviously struck a cord with his audience. 主席显然说到了听众的心里。
 strike down (v adv) 1)击倒(vt):Jim was struck down by a bus in the middle of the main street. 吉姆在大街中央被一辆公共汽车撞倒在地。2)使病得厉害(死去)(vt):The businessman was struck down with a heart attack in the middle of the meeting. 那位实业家在会议中间心脏病发作病倒了。
 strike off (v adv) 1)(打,砍,去)掉(vt):He struck off the top of the stick with a knife 他用刀子削掉了棍子的梢头。2)除名(vt):They struck him off for incompetence. 由于他无能,他们把他除名了。
 strike on/upon (v prep)突然发现(得到)(vt):At last the miners struck on an undiscovered gold mine. 最后矿工们突然发现了一个不为人知的金矿。
 strike out (v adv) 1)猛打(扑,击)(vi):He struck out at everyone who tried to stop him. 他向每一个试图制止他的人猛扑过去。2)划掉,删去(vt):He took a pen and struck out two paragraphs from his essay. 他拿起笔删去文章中的两段。3)奋力前进(vi):Without hesitating,he struck out strongly for the beach. 他毫不犹豫地拼命向海滩游去。
 strike up (v adv) 1)开始演奏(唱)(vt & vi):The band struck up (the national anthem)when the president arrived. 当总统抵达时乐队开始演奏(国歌)。2)开始交往(谈等)(vt):The policeman struck up a conversation with John while they were waiting for the bus. 等公共汽车时,警察和约翰开始交谈起来。
 →′striker n 罢工的工人;(足球)前锋;(板球)击球手;′striking adj 引人注目的;(时钟等)鸣响报时的;′strikingly adv 显著地,引人注目地;stroke n;
 n (1)罢工(stopping of work by employees in support of demands made on their employers)[C;U (on~)]:a general/unofficial/wildcat~总/非正式/未经工会同意的罢工;a post-office workers'/industrial~邮政工人/产业工人罢工;a~by bus drivers 公共汽车司机罢工;call/break a~号召/破坏罢工;The~broke out/ended before Christmas. 罢工在圣诞节前爆发/结束。a~ballot 罢工投票;have a~fund 有一笔罢工基金;take~action 采取罢工行动;~pay 罢工工资;〖同〗walkout,tie-up,protest,boycott;
 (2)袭击(sudden attack)[C]:make retaliatory/night/air~s on/against the enemy's bases (position) 对敌军基地(阵地)进行报复性/夜间/空中袭击;the~of a hawk on its prey 鹰对其猎物的袭击;take a~at the goal 突然踢向球门;the first~capacity in a nuclear war 核战争中的第一次打击能力;
 (3)突然发现(sudden discovery of a mineral in the earth)[C]:a lucky/gold~幸运的发现/探到金子;an oil~ 探到石油;
 be/go on strike;be/come/go out on strike 举行/开始罢工:The electricity workers have been out on~for several weeks now. 电力工人已经罢工数周了。
 →′strikebound adj 因罢工而停顿的;′strike-breaker n 破坏罢工者;
 【辨异】strike beathitthrashpound的区别见BEAT。





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