单词 | stretch |
释义 | stretch/stretʃ/ v [-es/ ɪz/]; n [-es/ ɪz/] v (1)拉长(紧,宽),使变大(松)(lengthen,tighten,widen or enlarge by pulling)[T+n,T+n+prep,T+n+adv,C+n+adj]:~a rubber band/a violin string/the material 拉长橡皮筋/绷紧提琴弦/绷紧布料;~a hat to fit one's head 撑一撑帽子使其戴着合适;~a pair of gloves/shoes(by wearing them)把手套戴得/鞋子穿得宽松些;~a rope/a cloth line across to a tree 把绳子/晒衣绳拉到对面树上;~a wire between two poles把电线架在两柱之间;~a canvas over the frame 在画架上绷上画布;~a piece of elastic to its fullest extent 把松紧带拉长到最大限度;~a rope tight 拉紧绳子;〖同〗lengthen,widen,extend,strain;〖反〗shrink,loosen,contract,condense,narrow,shorten; (2)(可)变长(宽,松),有弹性((be able to)become longer,wider,etc;be elastic)[I]:The socks/wool/material~es (won't~). 短袜/毛线/布料有(没有)伸缩性。The pullover/wool coat/sweater~ed after he wore (washed) it. 这套头衫/毛外套/毛衣他穿(洗)后变宽松了。The shoes~ed out of shape. 鞋子穿走形了。My money will~that far.(fig) 我的钱能支撑那么久。〖同〗lengthen,widen;〖反〗shrink,loosen,tighten,contract,condense,narrow,shorten; (3)伸(舒)展,(四肢或身体)伸展(去够某物)(extend (the limbs or the body) esp after being relaxed or in order to reach sth)[I,I+prep,I+adv,T+n,T+n+prep,T+n+adv]:(person/dog/cat) yawn and~(one's arms/paws)(人,狗,猫)打哈欠伸懒腰(伸胳膊/爪子);Can you~for it? 你能够着吗?~across the table for butter 隔着桌子够黄油;(long scarf)~across a room(长围巾)从房间这头抻到那头;(person/cat)~(oneself/itself) out on the bed/in front of the fire(人/猫)四肢伸展躺在床上/炉火前;~one's arms/one's legs (to do sth)伸展手臂/腿(去做某事);~one's legs after supper 晚饭后散步;~one's hand (arm) through the window/above one's head 把手(臂)伸出窗外/举过头顶;~one's neck/one's hand/one's arm up 扬起脖子/手/臂;~one's hand out 伸出手;〖同〗extend;〖反〗withdraw; (4)绵延,延(持)续(spread out (in space or time);extend)[I,I+prep,I+adv]:(forest/plain/the waters of the sea)~ahead of sb for hundreds of miles (森林/平原/浩淼的海域) 展现在某人面前连绵数百英里; (road)~(out/away)across the desert/the mountains into the distance(路)一直延伸到远处的沙漠/山区;(the line of railway/mountains)~between the two cities/all the way from...to...(铁路/山脉)连接两个城市/从……一直绵延到……;(summer/holiday)~ahead (of sb)(夏季/假日)在(某人)面前开始了;(visit/experiment/war)~over (a period of) two months (years) (访问/试验/战争)持续两个月(两年)(之久);〖同〗extend;〖反〗spread,reach,cover; (5)(对人或人的能力、力量)提出很高要求(make great demand on (sb or sb's ability,strength,etc))[T+n]:The job (race) really~ed him/his skill. 这项工作(比赛)对他/他的技能确实是要求很高。have to~one's intelligence to solve a problem 为解决一个问题而不得不绞尽脑汁;You are~ing my patience. 你这是让我忍无可忍。He feels that he isn't being~ed by the work. 他感到做此项工作并不吃力。be fully~ed 精疲力竭了;be sufficiently~ed at school 竭尽全力学习;〖同〗exaggerate,strain,overstrain,overburden,overcharge; (6)滥用,曲解(cause to go beyond a reasonable or acceptable limit of rules or time)[T+n]:~the truth/the diplomatic privileges 歪曲事实/滥用外交特权;~the meaning of a word/a law 曲解词义/法律;~the rules to allow sb to join a club 歪曲规则以允许某人加入俱乐部;~a point in sb's favour 对某人通融(放松限制); stretch out (v adv)使持续,使足以满足需要(vt):We shall have to~the food out till the end of month. 我们只得靠这些食物支撑到月底。 n (1)拉长(紧,宽);绵亘(延);滥用;伸(舒)展,伸手(懒腰)(act of stretching,esp the body,or state of being stretched)[C,通常sing]:give the rubber a good~好好抻抻这橡皮;reach sth with a (sudden)~(突然)伸出手臂够着某物;get up with a~伸着懒腰站起来;(person/dog) have/give a good~(人/狗)痛快地伸个懒腰;make a~of the arm 伸展手臂; (2)弹性(力),伸缩性((degree of) ability to be stretched;elasticity)[U]:Woollen stockings have a lot of~in them. 长筒毛袜很有伸缩性。There is not much~in the collar. 这衣领没多大弹性。The~has gone out of the waistband. 腰带没有弹性了。~socks/underwear/seat covers 弹力袜/内衣/坐垫;〖同〗elasticity,spring; (3)一片(段),一段时间(continuous extent of a level area or of time)[C][N (of)]:a beautiful/pretty/pleasant/vast~of countryside (country/desert) 一片美丽/漂亮/怡人/广阔的乡野(国土/沙漠);the~of water between...and... 在……和……之间的一片水域;fish along the~of the river 在这段河中捕鱼;drive along a~of empty highway 在一段空旷的公路上驾车;a three-hour~(a~of three hours) 三小时的一段时间;a long~of time 一长段时间;The grey~of days lay before him. 他面临一段暗淡的日子。〖同〗expanse,spread; (4)服务(刑)期(period of service or imprisonment)[C,通常sing](sl):do a~in the army 在军队中服役;do (spend) a long/five-year~in prison for attempted murder 因谋杀未遂而在狱中长期服刑/服五年徒刑; (5)一段跑道(straight part of a track or race course leading to the finishing line)[C,通常sing]:the final/finishing/home~接近终点的直道; at a stretch 连续不断地,不停地:This time he talked for ten minutes at a~. 这次他连续谈了10分钟。 →′stretchy adj 能(易)伸长的;有弹性的;′stretchiness n 能(易)伸长;有弹性 |
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