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单词 蓬头垢面

蓬头垢面péng tóu gòu miàn

tousled and grubby;unkempt; with dishevelled hair and a dirty(/muddy/an unwashed/grimy) face; with bedraggled appearance
❍ 穷人的孩子~的在街上转,阔人的孩子妖形妖势娇声娇气的在家里转。(鲁迅《热风》5) Tousled and grubby,the children of the poor roam the streets,while the pampered offsprings of the rich and mighty loll about at home.
❍ 大锁衣衫褴楼,~,引一个军人——王大春上。(《白毛女》78) Enter Dasuo,ragged and unkempt,leading a soldier who proves to be Da chun.
❍ 晴雯四五日水米不曾沾牙,如今现打炕上拉下来,~的,两个女人搀架起来去了。(《红楼梦》1006) Qing wen was wasting away,having touched no food for four or five days; but now with dishevelled hair she was dragged from the kang and two women carried her off.
❍ 我成天脸也不洗,~,越来越像个难民了。(吴运铎《把一切献给党》64) I certainly looked like a refugee,with my dirty face and bedraggled appea rance.


with dishevelled hair and a grimy face;unkempt;untidy

蓬头垢面pénɡ tóu ɡòu miàn

蓬:蓬松,散乱;垢:污秽。形容头发散乱,脸上很脏,仪容不整。unkempt appearance, with dishe-velled hair and dirty face





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