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单词 instrument
释义 instrument /'instrumant; 'instramant/ n [C] 1 implement, apparatus, used in performing an action, esp for delicate or scientific work: 器具; 工具; 器械:仪器 (尤指精细工作或科学上所用者):optical ~亍, eg a microscope; 光学仪器 (例如显微镜); surgical ~s, eg a scalpel, 外科器械 (例如解剖刀) 。 Cf 参较 tools used by labourers and craftsmen, tools 指工人和工匠用的工具。 2 apparatus for producing musical sounds, eg a piano, violin, flute or drum. 乐器 (例如钢琴,小提琴,笛或鼓) „Othe illus at brass, percussion, string. 参看 brass, percussion, string 各项之插图。 3 person used by another for his own purposes: 被人利用的人; 傀 Ik: be made the ~ of another's crime. 被利用作他人犯罪的工具。 4 formal (esp legal) document: 正式文件 (尤指法律上的): The King signed the ~ of abdication. 国王签署了退位的正式文件。 instrumentation /jnstru-men'teijn; , m8trsmrn'te/an/ n [U] arrangement of music for ~s; the development and manufacture of ~s for scientific use, 器乐的谱曲; 乐器法; 乐器学:科学仪器之发展及制造。




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