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单词 street
street/stri:t/ n

(1)街(道)(road with housesbuildings on one or both sides in a towncity or village)[C](缩写 St):a small/main shopping~小街/中心购物街;a~of Washington 华盛顿的一条街;cross a~过马路;in the~在街上;Wall S~华尔街;live at 403,Brook S~住布鲁克街403号;at~level 在一层楼;~maps/corners/theatres/musicians 街道地图/街角/街头剧/街头音乐家;〖同〗road,roadway,route,highway,way,avenue,lane,alley;

(2)全街区的人(people who live or work in a certain street)[C]:The whole~went to the meeting. 全街区的人都去开会了。

be (out)on/walk the streets 1)无家可归(infml):We'll find ourselves on the~if we don't pay the rent. 如果不付房租,我们将会流落街头。2)靠卖淫为生(infml);

go on the streets 当妓女:She could not find a job and in the end was forced to go on the~s.她找不到工作,最终被迫去卖淫。

not in the same street (as sb/sth)不能相比(infml):Her clothes are not in the same~as yours. 她的衣服远不能和你的相比。

(right) up one's street (infml)在某人知识、兴趣等范围内:This job was right up my~. 这工作正适合我。

→′streetcar n (AmE)有轨电车;′street-girl,′street-walker n 妓女;′street-wise adj 了解(体察)民情的;






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