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单词 蒙头转向

蒙头转向晕头转向mēng tóu zhuàn xiàng

be utterly confused; lose one’s bearings
❍ 同时还想多搞些问题出来,使何子学他们忙得~,把什么炉顶的调查,放置下来。(艾芜《百炼成钢》170) At the same time,he had in mind that,by creating other problems,he would make He Zixue and his men so confused that they might put off their investigation about the roof fusion.
❍ 凡是方向模糊的人,都消极应付,都给自发势力抵制活跃借贷,搞得懵头转向了。(柳青《创业史》270)Anyone who’s fuzzy about it is just passively going through the motions,his brain in a whirl because of the opposition of the go-it-alone forces to the low interest.
❍ 一阵突如其来的手榴弹,打得夜袭队蒙头又转向。(冯志《敌后武工队》211) The unexpected hand grenade attack knocked the Night Raiders silly.
❍ 玉宝在农村里那样机灵,一进了工厂就变得~。(《高玉宝》136) Yubao had been quick in the uptake at home in his village,but here in the factory he felt slow-witted.


lose one’s bearings; be utterly confused

蒙头转向mēnɡ tóu zhuàn xiànɡ

蒙:昏迷。头脑昏昏沉沉,搞不清方向。lose one’s bearings, be utterly confused, make sb.’s brain reel





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