释义 |
蒙在鼓里méng zài gǔ libe kept inside a drum—be kept in the dark; know nothing of; not yet awakened ❍ 如今,全乡的人都晓得那边已经结婚了,只有她自己还~。(周立波《山乡巨变》278) Now everyone in the township knows that he’s married again; only she herself is completely in the dark. ❍ 还把我~咧。怎么样,把情况谈一谈?(罗广斌、杨益言《红岩》115) Still trying to keep me in the dark,are you? Well,how about putting me in the picture?/小小子心里热辣辣的,想想这些好人,眼看着就要遭毒手了,他们可还~呢,怎么能不说给他们呀?(袁静《新儿女英雄传》218) Xiao’s mind ran riot. These men knew nothing of the plot to treacherously destroy them…and they’re so good.But I know! How can I keep silent?/有关这些,符癞子是一点消息也没有摸得到手的。他是正如俗话所说的:“~” 了。(周立波《山乡巨变》81) Scabby Fu had not the slightest inkling of all this;he was,as the saying goes,“living in a drum.”/我自己还~哩,他就把什么都做了,……(金敬迈《欧阳海之歌》135) He’s taken care of everything,and I didn’t know a thing. ❍ 以上是我尚在北京,就是成伤吾所谓“~”做小资产阶级时候的事。(鲁迅《三闲集·通信“回信”》) That was my attitude while still in Beijing when,according to Cheng Fangwu,I was a petty bourgeois not yet awakened. 蒙在鼓里meng zai gu libe kept inside a drum—be cheated 蒙在鼓里be kept in the dark 他还~。He is still completely in the dark. 蒙在鼓里ménɡ zài ɡǔ lǐ比喻被人欺骗,自己好像被包在鼓里一样,对相关的事情一点也不知道。be kept in the dark, not in the know |