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单词 strap
strap/stræp/ nvt [-pp-]

n (1)(皮,布)带(narrow piece of leathercloth or other material used to a fastening)[C](尤构成合成词):a watch-/luggage~表/行李带;a sandal~凉鞋襻;a bra-/shoulder-~胸罩带/(衣服的)肩带;~s of evening gowns 女睡袍上的带子;The boxes were tied with~s.盒子是用带子捆扎的。The~on one of her old ski boots broke. 她一只旧滑雪靴子上的搭扣坏了。〖同〗tie,strip,band;

(2)鞭打(刑)(esp formerly punishment by beating with a thick piece of leather strap)[Cthe~]:be given the~被鞭打;get the~遭受鞭笞;

→′strapless adj 无带的;

vt (1)用带子束(捆,缚)住(fastensecure or attach with one or more straps)[T+n+prepT+n+adv]:~sth in place 把某物用带子固定住;~a bag on one's back/a suitcase on top of a car/a typewriter to one's bicycle 把包系在背上/箱子捆在车顶上/打字机绑在自行车上;~oneself into one's seat 系好安全带;~on a new watch 带上新手表;The three pieces of luggage were~ped together. 把三件行李捆扎在一起。〖同〗tie,bind;

(2)用绷带绑(包)扎(put bandages round(part of the body that has been hurt))[T+nT+n+adv (up)]:She has broken a rib and the doctor has~ped it up. 她折了一根肋骨,大夫已经给包扎好了。~one's injured knee/arm up tightly 牢牢地包扎受伤的膝关节/胳膊;

(3)抽打(beat with a strap)[T+n]:~a dog with a leather belt 用皮带抽一条狗;The dog was~ped for being rude to his father. 那条狗由于对他父亲撒野而遭到抽打。〖同〗whip,beat,belt;

→′strapped adj 银根紧的;′strapping adj 高大健壮的,魁梧的;′straphanger n (在公共汽车上)拉着吊带(环)站立的乘客





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