释义 |
著书立说zhù shū lì shuōwrite books and establish one’s theory; write books to expound a theory ❍ 将南京元武湖赐与庄尚志~,鼓吹休明。(《儒林外史》412)…and let Lotus Lake in Nanjing be presented to him,that he may continue writing to glorify this great age. ❍ 于是乎他们只好去~,将他骂一通,预计百年之后,即身殁之后,大行于时,自以为这就了不得。(鲁迅《华盖集续编》53) Then all they can do is write books to condemn such rulers,reckoning that after a hundred years—that is to say,after their death—these books will have a wide circulation. For this makes them feel very good. ❍ 孙武子~,徒乱东周。(李六如《六十年的变迁》Ⅰ—68) …but the famous strategist Sun Wuzi who wrote excellent military books actually brought about widespread turmoil in the country during the Eastern Zhou Dynasty. 著书立说zhù shū lì shuō著:写作。撰写著作,创立学说。write books and set up one’s theory, write books to expound a theory, write books and establish a theory |