释义 |
落花流水luò huā liú shuǐlike fallen flowers carried away by the flowing water—in a sorry plight;be badly battered (/beaten); be shattered to pieces ❍ 其结果,把几千年封建地主的特权,打得~。(《毛泽东选集》 14) As a result,the privileges which the feudal landlords enjoyed for thousands of years are being shattered to pieces. ❍ 就这样一阵白刃战,把冯军打得~,…… (李六如《六十年的变迁》 Ⅰ—285) …and after a brief encounter the enemy defences were smashed completely. ❍ 他们越杀越勇,越拚越强,一个顶十个,一个顶百个,把敌人杀得~,打了很大一个大胜仗。(徐光耀《平原烈火》115)With a roar they tore into the enemy,one against ten,but fought so fiercely that the enemy was thoroughly beaten. ❍ 激战半天正在下火车的清兵,被民军大炮打得~,……(李六如《六十年的变迁》Ⅰ—279)Reinforcements for the Manchu army,which had just arrived by train,were thrown into confusion under the devestating blast of the revolutionaries’artillery fire. ❍ 甲午战争,丁汝昌投海自杀,他也被打得~,倒了霉,降为武建营的督带官。(李六如《六十年的变迁》Ⅰ—140) …but during the Sino-Japanese War the admiral drowned himself,and because Commander Li’s unit also suffered heavy losses,he was demoted to a battalion commander. 落花流水luo hua liu shuilik e fallen flowers carried away by flowing water—in a plight 落花流水like fallen flowers carried away by flowing water;scene of late spring—in a sorry plight;crushing defeat 把千年封建地主的特权打得~。The privileges which the feudal lords had enjoyed for thousands of years were shattered to pieces./敌人被打得~。The enemy was utterly routed./~春去也,天上人间。(李煜 《浪淘沙》)The blossoms fall,the water flows. or:The glory of the Spring is gone,In nature’s world as in human one.(Ripples Sifting Sand by Li Yu) 落花流水luò huā liú shuǐ落下的花被流水冲走。原形容春天即将过去的景色,现多比喻被打得大败。utterly routed, shattered to pieces, beat sb. all to pieces |