Ⅰ ❶ (掉下) fall; drop: 脱 ~ shed off; 坠 ~ sink into; drop down; 花瓣 ~ 了。 The petals fall. 河水从高原上下 ~ 时, 形成了巨大的瀑布。 As the river drops from the plateau, it forms great waterfalls.
❷ (下降) go down; set: 降 ~ descend; 潮水 ~ 了。 The tide is low [out]. 圆圆的太阳已经要 ~ 山了。 Already the round sun was setting.
❸ (使下降) lower: ~ 帆 lower a sail; 把帘子 ~ 下来 lower the blinds
❹ (衰败; 飘零) decline; come down; drift about: 沦 ~ degenerate; 衰 ~ decline; go downhill; 流 ~ drift about; 你怎么 ~ 到这步田地! How did you get into such a plight?
❺ (遗留在后面) lag behind; fall behind: 名 ~ 孙山 fall far behind; fail in a competitive examination; 那个跛足的孩子远远 ~ 在后面。 The lame child lagged far behind. 在造船方面英国已 ~ 到日本后头了。 Britain has fallen behind Japan in shipbuilding.
❻ (停留; 留下) stay; stop over; leave behind: ~ 栈 stop at an inn for the night; ~ 下痕迹 leave a trace behind
❼ (归属) fall onto; rest with: 政权 ~ 在人民手里了。 The state power has fallen onto people's hands. 责任自然地 ~ 到了我们肩上。 The responsibility naturally fell on our shoulders.
❽ (得到) get; receive: ~ 埋怨 be blamed; ~ 不是 be criticized
❾ (用笔写) set ink (in writing); write with pen: ~ 帐 enter an item in account Ⅱ ❶ (停留的地方) whereabouts: 着[下] ~ whereabouts
❷ (聚居的地方) settlement; residence: 部 ~ tribe; 村 ~ village; hamlet
❸ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 宁 Luo Ning
另见 see also là; lào; luō。
◆落榜 flunk a competitive examination for a job or school admission; 落笔 start to write or draw; put pen to paper; 落膘 (of livestock) become thin; 落泊 [书] be in dire straits; be down and out; bold and generous; unconstrained; 落槽 (of tide) go down; ebb; decline (in wealth and position); fit the tenon into the mortise; feel at ease; 落草 take to the greenwood; take to the heather; become an outlaw; 落差 drop; head; fall head; {地质} throw; drop height; falling head; 落潮 ebb tide; {海} falling tide; 落成 completion; be completed; 落锤 monkey hammer; drop breaker; drop-board hammer ; block hammer; drop ball; drop hammer; drop stamp; drop weight; falling weight; 落得 get; end in; result in; 落地 fall to the ground; be born; 落地式 console mode; floor type; 落第 fail in an imperial examination; 落点 {体} placement (of a ball); 落顶 caving; 落发 shave one's head — to become a Buddhist monk or nun; 落果(现象) abscission of fruits; premature drop; fruit drop; 落后 fall behind; lag behind; backward; 落户 settle; 落花流水 Petals drop and waters flow.; beat sb. all to pieces [nothing; ribands; sticks]; beat sb. hollow [all hollow]; beat [knock] someone into fits; 落花有意, 流水无情 While the drooping flowers pine for love, the heartless brook babbles on — unrequited love.; 落基山 the Rocky Mountains; 落价 fall in price; drop in price; 落脚 stay; stop over; put up; 落井下石 drop down a stone on the man who has fallen into a well — to maltreat an injured person; add insult to injury; add to the misfortunes of a man who is already unfortunate; 落空 come to nothing; fail; fall through; 落款 write the names of the sender and the recipient on a painting, gift or letter; inscribe; name of the recipient written on a gift; (of an artist) sign a painting or piece of calligraphy and dedicate it to a recipient; signature of the artist on a painting or piece of calligraphy, or of the sender on a gift; 落雷 thunderbolt; thunderclap; 落泪 shed tears; weep; 落铃 shedding of cotton bolls; 落落 natural and graceful; standoffish; aloof; unsociable; 落落大方 be liberal and dignified; generous; magnanimous; natural and graceful; very poised and dignified; 落落寡合 be [keep] aloof from people; aloof; an aloofness that keeps others at a distance; have few friends; standoffish; unsociable; 落墨 start to write or draw; put pen to paper; set ink; 落寞 lonely; desolate 又作“落漠”“落莫”; 落难 meet with misfortune; encounter difficulty, adversity, calamity, etc.; be in distress; 落日 setting sun; 落纱 doff; 落实 practicable; workable; fix in advance; ascertain; make sure; carry out; fulfill; implement; put into effect; [方] feel at ease; 落水 fall into water; go astray; sink into; degenerate; 落水狗 dog in the water; drowning dog; (fig.) bad person who has lost favour or power; 落体 {物} falling body; faller; 落托 in dire straits; down and out; bold and generous; unconstrained; 落拓[魄] [书] in dire straits; down and out; untrammelled by convention; casual; unconventional; 落拓不羁 be by nature unconventional and straight forward; not to be fettered by formalities and manners; throw restraint to the winds; lead a licentious life — unconventional and unrestrained; 落网 fall into the net; be caught; be captured; 落伍 fall behind the ranks; straggle; drop behind; drop out; 落线 {军} line of fall; 落选 fail to be chosen; fail to be elected; lose an election; 落叶 fallen leaves; {植} deciduous leaf; defoliation; 落叶归根 Fallen leaves return to the roots — to revert to one's origin.; 落叶松 dahurian larch; larix gmelini; epinette; larch; 落音(儿) (of speaking, singing, etc.) just stop; just come to a pause; 落英缤纷 Fallen petals lie in profusion.; fallen flowers scattering and flying around like snow flakes; Fallen flowers are numerous.; The ground is full of fallen flowers.; 落照 the glow of the setting sun; 落座 take one's seat