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单词 strain
strain1/strein/ v & n

v (1)拉(张,绷)紧(stretch(sth)hard and tightly by pulling)[T+nT+n+prep]:~a rope/wire/elastic 拉紧一根绳子/电线/松紧带;The boats are~ing at the posts/their moorings. 船只紧拴在柱子上/泊区。~the cover over the top 把套子紧绷在盖上;〖同〗stretch,pull,tighten,extend;〖反〗relax,loosen;

(2)尽(竭)力(exert all one's powerenergyetc ( to do sth))[II+to-infT+nC+n+to-inf]:~and struggle 竭力奋争;heaving and~ing竭尽全力;The engine~ed and the train rumbled away. 引擎奋力启动,火车才咣当咣当地开走了。The oxen~ed with all their might. 牛使出了全力。~to reach the high notes/hear what sb was saying/get one's orders out in time 全力唱出高音/倾心听某人正在说什么/尽一切努力完成订单;strain every nerve 全力以赴;~one's ears for a sound 竖起耳朵听一个声音;~one's eyes to see/one's voice to shout 极目看去/扯着嗓子喊;~every muscle to lift the stone 奋力把石头举起;〖同〗struggle;〖反〗relax,yield;

(3)(因过力)损伤(害)(damage or weaken by stretching too much)[T+n]:~one's eyes/one's elbow损伤眼睛/肘部;~one's heart/one's voice 劳损心脏/喊哑嗓子;~a muscle in one's leg 抻伤腿部一条肌肉;~one's Achilles, tendon playing tennis 打网球时扭伤了跟腱;If you pull so hard you will~yourself. 如果你过分拉扯,就会伤着。〖同〗pull,injure,weaken,twist;

(4)曲解,歪曲,滥用(force or stretch (sth) too far beyond acceptable or truthful limits)[T+n](fml)(fig):~one's authority/one's rights/one's power 滥用权威/权利/权力;~a point 歪曲要点;~the meaning of a word/the truth曲解词义/事实;His patience has been~ed to the limits. 他的耐心已经达到了极限。

(5)过滤,滤出(separate (sth) into its solid and its liquid parts usu by using a strainer)[T+n]:~the soup/the coffee/the tea 滤汤/咖啡/茶;~the juice of the blackberries to make jelly 滤出黑莓的汁制作果冻;~gravy through a sieve to get the lumps out 用滤网过滤肉汤以便把肉块滤出;~the vegetables/the potatoes滤出蔬菜/土豆;〖同〗screen,purify,drain,refine;

strain after (v prep)竭力追求(vt):She is always~ing after praise and approval. 她总是在竭力追求赞扬和嘉许。

strain at (v prep) 用力拉(拽……)(vt):Although several sailors were~ing at the rope,they could not control the sail in the high wind. 虽然有好几个水手在使劲拉帆索,但他们还是无法在大风中控制好船帆。

strain away/off (v adv) 滤掉(vt):S~the fat away before you serve the soup. 把汤中的油脂滤掉之后再端上桌。

→strained adj 不自然的;心力交瘁的;′strainer n(滤,筛)网,滤器;

n (1)拉(张,绷)紧;(拉、张、应、作用)力(state of being stretched or pulled tightly;force or pressure causing this)[CU]:The rope broke under the~. 绳子被拉断了。a~gauge 张力仪;the breaking~of a cable 缆绳的致断应力;the~s and stresses of a bridge 桥的张力和压力;feel a~on the line 感觉到绳子的拉力;measure the~on sth 测量某物的拉力;Nylon ropes take more~. 尼龙绳可承受更大的拉力。〖同〗stress,force,pressure,tension;

(2)(身心的)负担(压力)(great demand on one's mental or physical strengthabilitiesetc)[CU][N (on)]:a real~真正的压力;a~on sb's patience 对某人容忍的压力;be under severe/a lot of strain 在严重的/诸多的压力下;the stresses and~s of business life 经商生活的种种负担和压力;the current~in relations between the two countries 两国关系当前的紧张状态;stand the~承受压力;begin to feel the~开始感到压力;a~on sb's resources 某人的经济负担;put a great~on sb 对某人施加巨大压力;

(3)劳累,疲劳(state of anxietytension and fatigue caused by this)[U]:the~of hard work/combat/sleepless nights 艰苦劳动/格斗/多夜不眠引起的疲劳;suffer from mental/nervous~遭受精神/神经紧张引起的痛苦;The continual~aged her. 不断的劳累使她苍老。

(4)拉(扭,损)伤,劳损(injuryesp to a muscle caused by too much exertion)[CU]:a painful~痛苦的扭伤;a back/groin/muscle~背/腹股沟/肌肉拉伤;heart~心脏劳损;a~of the lower leg 小腿的扭伤;suffer from muscular~遭受肌肉拉伤的痛苦;〖同〗sprain,pull,injury,twist





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