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单词 萎靡不振

萎靡不振委靡不振wěi mǐ bù zhèn

be(/look) down in the mouth; be in the doldrums; be in low spirits; crestfallen; dejected and apathetic (/lax); disheartened; dispirited; downcast in spirit;downhearted;drooping; feel (/look) blue; flagging;lackadaisical; limp and listless;/考完放出的良民,偶而也可以遇见,但仿佛大抵是~,恐怕是在反省和毕业论文上,将力气使尽了罢。(《鲁迅选集》Ⅳ—53) Occa sionally you meet one of the good citizens who has passed the test and been released,but most of them seem at their last gasp—they must have exhausted all their energy on soul searching and their graduation theses.
❍ 杨书记说:“是吗?也许是这么个事情。我是个贱皮,宜跑! 一下乡,能吃能睡。一个月不下乡,就~,这塔也疼,那塔也疼。……”(柳青《创业史》268)“Really?”replied the secretary. “Maybe it’s because I’m a rough kind of fellow who’s used to running around.Whenever I go into the countryside,I eat and sleep well. A month in the office and I’m all run down.Here an ache,there an ache—”/我的右倾情绪助长了刘一萍的右倾情绪,把他送上了绝路,也使得部队到现在还是~,抬不起头来; …… (徐光耀《平原烈火》97) My being too conservative encouraged the same thing in Yiping; it sent him into a blind alley. To this very moment, it’s kept our troops in low spirits:they can’t raise their heads.
❍ 打了几个喷嚏,接着转过头来揉着他故意憋出泪的眼睛,又把脑门捏了两把,无精打采地喘了一口粗气,然后象个病人一样~地站在那里。(曲波《林海雪原》) 238) After it subsided,he kneaded his forehead,breathing hoarsely. He looked ill and dejected./“我劝你少想私事!”邓秀梅在乡政府的厢房里,碰到刘雨生,看见他还是有些~的样子,谈了几句工作上的话,就这样说他,…… (周立波《山乡巨变》135)“I advise you to think less about your private affairs. ”said Deng Xiumei to Liu Yusheng when she happened to meet him in the side room of the township government building,and. after talking a little about the work,saw that he still seemed dispirited.
❍ 你不要这么~,爬呀!朋友!我的同志,你快爬呀,向东呀! (鲁迅《华盖集》28) Don’t look so limp and listless. Grawl,friend! Hurry up,comrade,crawl east!/那种~的气氛,不禁使他毫无表情的眉头,微微皱了一下。(罗广斌、杨益言《红岩》569) He frowned at the sight of the listless,apathetic men.

萎靡不振萎(委)wěi mǐ bù zhèn

萎靡:颓废,不振作。形容意志消沉,精神不振作。dispirited, be low in spirit, look blue, feel blue





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