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单词 story

(1)故事,史话,传奇(说),轶事(account of past eventsincidentsetc real or imaginary)[C][N(about/of)]:a fairy/ghost/detective/adventure~ 童话/鬼怪/侦探/探险故事;a true-life love~现实生活中的爱情故事;a~about space exploration/three bears宇宙探险/三只熊的故事;the~of the war/one's journey/Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs 战争/旅行/《白雪公主和七个小矮人》的故事;~ies of ancient Greece 古希腊史话;win the fiction award for one's short stories 自己的短篇小说赢得了小说奖;

(2)(电影,戏剧等的)情节(narrative or plot of a book filmplayetc)[C](=story-line):a spy novel with a strong~一部情节扣人心弦的间谍小说;read only for the~只读故事情节;〖同〗 narrative,plot,story-line;

(3)新闻报道(的题材)(news reportor such kind of material)[C]:a front-page~头版新闻报道;It will make a good~for the paper. 这件事可以成为一个很好的报道题材。print sb's~on the fraud scandal 刊登某人诈骗丑闻的报道;see sb's name in a newspaper~从报纸上的报道中见到某人的名字;〖同〗report,account,statement,word,article,news;

(4)假(谎)话(lie)[C](infml):I know you're just telling a~! 我知道,你在编瞎话! Don't tell~ies 别说瞎话。make up a~to explain sb's absence 为某人缺席编造理由;〖同〗lie,falsehood,excuse;

the story goes that.../so the story goes 据说(传,闻):The~goes that he often beats his wife. 据说他经常殴打妻子。

the same old story 老一套:You say you'll pay next week — it's the same old~! 你说,你将下周还钱—— 还是老一套呀!

to make a long story short 长话短说,简言之:To make a long~short,they began to study the problem in earnest. 简言之,他们开始认真地研究此问题。

→′story-book n(儿童)故事书;小儿书;′story-teller n 讲故事的人,说书人;说谎者;






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