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单词 storm
storm/stɔ:m, AmE stɔ:rm/ n & v

n (1)暴风雨(雪),风暴(violent weather conditions with strong windrainsnowor lightning and thunderetc)[C][常构成合成词]:a thunder-/wind-/snow-/rain-/dust-/sand-~雷暴/风暴/暴风雪/暴雨/尘暴/沙暴;~s of sand 沙暴;a~warning 风暴警报;have never been in a~at sea 从未在海上遇到过风暴;be caught in a~遇到暴风雨;The roof was damaged by the~. 暴风雨损坏了屋顶。The~raged fiercely all the night. 暴风雨肆虐了一整夜。A~is brewing/coming. 暴风雨即将来临。〖同〗downpour,typhoon,blow,twister;〖反〗calm;

(2)感情上的爆(迸)发(sudden violent outbreak or show of strong feelingetc)[C][N(of)]:a~of applause/protest/cries/cheering/abuse/criticism 一阵暴风雨般的掌声/抗议声/喊叫声/欢呼声/辱骂声/批评;a~of anger 一阵狂怒;cause a~on campus 在校园中引起一阵风波;a storm in a teacup (prov) 小题大作(大惊小怪);〖同〗burst,explosion,roar,disturbance,stir;〖反〗calm,peace;

take sb/sth by storm 1)攻占,抢夺;The invaders took the town by~. 侵略者们攻下了那座城镇。2)博得喝彩,令人着迷:His singing took New York/the theatre by~. 他的演唱使全纽约/全场观众为之倾倒。

→′stormy adj 有暴风(雨、雪)的;狂怒的;冲动的;′stormily adv 有暴风(雨、雪)地;狂怒地;冲动地;′storminess n 暴躁;激烈;′storm-bound adj(船,旅客等)为暴风雨所阻的;′storm-centre n 风暴中心;骚乱或麻烦的中心;′storm-cloud n 暴风(雷雨)云;危险(威胁)的预兆;′storm-door n(防风、雨、寒等用的)外重门;′storm-lantern n 防风灯;͵storm′petrel n 海燕;′stormproof adj 防风暴的;′storm-tossed adj 遭受风暴损坏(颠簸)的;′storm-trooper n 突击队员;′storm-window n(防风、雨、寒等的)外重窗;

v (1)下暴雨(雪),刮大风(rainsnowblowhailetc heavily)[I]:It~ed for two hours yesterday. 昨天风雨大作两小时。It~ed so hard that all the electricity went out. 暴风雨太大,以致供电全部中断。The wind~ed outside. 外面狂风大作。

(2)暴怒,大发雷霆,怒吼(show violent anger;shout angrily and loudly)[II+prep(at),T+n]:“Get out and never come back!” Jack~ed.“滚开! 永远别回来!”杰克怒吼道。~and rage 大发雷霆;~for 20 minutes 大发脾气20分钟;He~ed at her/the waiter. 他冲她/侍者大发雷霆。〖同〗rage;〖反〗whisper,reason;

(3)怒气冲冲地走(move in an angry manner)[I+prep (arourd/about/in/out of),I+adv(about/off)]:~round the house/out of the room/into the office 怒气冲冲地围着屋子转/冲出房间/走进办公室;After the argument he~ed off. 争吵后,他气冲冲地离开了。〖同〗rush,rage,tear;

(4)猛攻,攻占(capture or attack suddenly and violently)[T+n]:~a camp/a castle/a fort/a city 猛攻一营地/城堡/堡垒/城市;〖同〗charge,attack,rush,strike;

(5)强行穿过(经过,进入)(attack violently and force a way acrossthroughetc)[I+prep(across/through/in),I+adv(across/through/in),T+n+prep(across/through/in),T+n+adv (across/through/in)]: The mob~ed through the streets. 这群暴民在街上横冲直撞。The teacher came~ing in,determined this time to make the children obey him. 那老师怒气冲冲地走了进来,决意这次要让学生们绝对服从他。Joe and Black~ed (their way) in. 乔和布莱克闯了进去。





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