药(藥)yàoⅠ ❶ (药物) medicine; drug; remedy: 服 ~ take medicine; 假 ~ quack medicine; 煎 ~ decoct herbal medicine; 麻 ~ anaesthetic; 良 ~ good medicine; a good remedy; 医生(给我)配了一些 ~。 The doctor mixed (me) some medicine. 有什么退热 ~ 吗? Is there any remedy for fever? 这 ~ 已见效了。 This medicine [remedy] has taken effect. ❷ (某些有化学作用的物质) certain chemicals: 耗子 ~ rat poison; ratsbane; 火 ~ gunpowder; 杀虫 ~ insecticide ❸ [书] (仙丹) elixir of life ❹ [书] (芍药) Chinese herbaceous peony ❺ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 崧 Yao Song Ⅱ ❶ [书] (用药治疗) cure with medicine: 不可救 ~ incurable; incorrigible ❷ (用药毒死) kill with poison: ~ 老鼠 poison rats; 他的狗被 ~ 死了。 His dog has been poisoned to death. ◆药材 medicinal materials; crude drugs; 药草 herbs; medicinal herbs; 药厂 pharmaceutical factory; 药典 pharmacopeia; 药店 drugstore; chemist's shop; phar ̄ macy; 药方 prescript; anagraph; prescription; 药房 drugstore; chemist's shop; pharmacy; officina; hospital pharmacy; dispensary; 药费 expenses for medicine; charges for medicine; 药膏 ointment; salve; unguent; 药衡 apothecaries' measure or weight; 药剂 medicament; agentia; stuff; drug; 药酒 medicinal liquor; 药局 officina; 药理 pharmacodynamics; pharmacology; 药力 efficacy of a drug; 药棉 absorbent cotton; 药捻子 {中医} slender roll of medicated paper or gauze; medicated thread; medicated wick; 药农 a peasant who cultivates or collects medicinal herbs; medicinal herb grower; medicinal herb collector; herbalist; 药片 tablet; 药品 drug; medicinal; medicines and chemical reagents; pharmaceutical; 药签 swab; 药师 a senior pharmacist; 药石 medicines and stone needles for acupuncture — remedies; 药石之言 unpleasant but needed advice; exhor- tations; 药室 coyote hole; chamber; anther cell; 药水 liquid medicine; medicinal liquid; potion; lotion; 药筒 cartridge case; cylindrantherae; cartouche; 药丸 pill; 药味 herbal medicines in a prescription; flavour of a drug; 药物 medicinal; medicine; medicant; medication; drug; pharmaceuticals; medicaments; 药物学 pharmaceutics; materia medica; pharmacology; 药线 medicated thread; 药箱 medical kit; medicine chest; 药效 pesticide effect; 药性 property of a medicine; drug properties; 药学 pharmacy; 药用 officinal; 药皂 medicated soap; medical soap; 药渣 dregs of a decoction; 药疹 {医} drug rash; drug eruption 药 ❷medicine;drug;remedy ❷certain chemicals 服~take medicine/换~change dressings/煎~dedoct herbal medicine/开~ prescribe a medicine;write out a prescription/配~(of a pharmacist) make up a prescription/上~ apply ointment to/抓~ have a prescription filled/安眠~sleeping pill/避孕~contraceptive drugs/补~tonic/草~herbal medicine/毒~poison; toxicant/感冒~medicine for colds/膏~ plaster/耗子~ rat-poison; ratshane/火~ gunpower/抗癌~ anti-cancer drugs/内服~ for oral administration/农~farm chemical;pesticide/杀虫~insecticide /汤~ decoction of medicinal ingredients/特效~ specific medicine; specific/退烧~antipyretic/外用~for external use/丸~pill/预防~ preventive medicine; prophylactic/炸~explosive;dynamite/止痛~pain killer/止泻~ antidiarrhea/止血~ haemostatic/中~ traditional Chinese medicine/开~方write out a prescription/报销~费be reimbursed for medical expenses/~材medicinal material;crude drug;medicinal herb/~店(房)drugstore; chemist’s shop; pharmacy/~方prescription/~费expenses or charges for medicine/~膳medicated diet; food cooked with medicinal herbs
药yàomedicine; drug; remedy |