释义 |
荒诞不经荒唐不经;荒诞无稽huāng dàn bù jīngan old wives’ tale; absurd; fantastic;preposterous; ridiculous; unbelievable; mythic (al);incredible ❍ 贾政道: “这叫做 ‘女儿棠’,乃是外国之种,俗传出‘女儿国’,故花最繁盛,一亦荒唐不经之说耳。”(《红楼梦》198)❶“This is a foreign variety called ‘Maiden Apple,’”Jia Zheng told them.“Tradition has it that it comes from the Land of Maidens,and that it blossoms profusely in that country; but that is nothing but an old wives’ tale.” ❷“This kind is called ‘Maiden crab”’,said Jia Zheng. “It comes from abroad.According to vulgar belief it originally came from the Land of Maidens,and that is supposed to be the reason why it blooms so profusely. Needless to say,it is only the ignorant sort of persons who hold this ridiculous belief. ” 荒诞不经huang dan bu jingabsurd 荒诞不经huānɡ dàn bù jīnɡ荒诞:荒唐离奇;经:常理。形容言行荒谬,不合情理。fantastic, absurd, ridiculous, preposterous, incredible, mythic, unbelievable, most absurd and irrational |