释义 |
荒淫无耻huāng yín wú chǐbe given to debauchery;dissipated and unashamed ❍ 烟叶变成成叠成叠的美金和荷兰盾,发了昧心财的美国老板和荷兰老板,在纽约和海牙过着~的“文明人”的生活,……(高云览《小城春秋》4) The tobacco was converted into piles of American dollars and Dutch guilders which the bosses,“gen tlemen of culture,” spent in riotous living in New York and The Hague,…/可是反过来看看我们的统治者吧——他们~,他们对外奴颜婢膝,甘心卖国求荣;……(杨沫《青春之歌》133) How different from our rulers,who are leading a life of shameless dissipation!They bow and scrape like slaves to the foreigners. 荒淫无耻dissipated and shameless;given to debauchery ~的生活life of shameless dissipation 荒淫无耻huānɡ yǐn wǔ chǐ荒淫:贪酒好色。生活腐败,不知羞耻。dissipated and unashamed, shameless dissipated, be given to debauchery, profligate and shameless |