释义 |
荒无人烟huāng wú rén yāndesolate and un inhabited;no human habitation in the wilderness ❍ 几番烧杀掠抢,使它变成了一片~的废墟。(杨佩瑾《剑》233)…it had gone to rack and ruin with repeated pillage and burning. ❍ 我不知道他们到虎头屿——这个~的小岛上去干什么,但是,我也没有问。(黎汝清《海岛女民兵》213) Why were they going out to that uninhabited island? I did not know nor did I ask…/现在,当生宝在这~的深山里,背着拴拴下坡的时候,王书记所说的这番话,统统又象重新对他说一遍一样。(柳青《创业史》415)Now,in the depths of the mountain wilderness,carrying Shuanshuan on his back down the slope,Shengbao seemed to hear Secretary Wang’s words once again… 荒无人烟no human habitation; uninhabited area 荒无人烟huānɡ wú rén yān比喻没有人居住,十分偏僻荒凉。desolate and uninhabited, no sign of human habitation |