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单词 best
best/best/ adj, adv & n vt [-ed,-ed / ɪd/]

adj 最好的 (good to the greatest extent)(good的最高级):the~player/movie/wine sb knows (has ever known)某人所知最优秀的运动员/最好的电影/最上等的酒;the~craftsman in the world/book on the subject/picture of the year世上最优秀的工匠/这方面最好的书/当年最佳影片;the~thing to do/way to get there/place to dig a well 上上策/去那里的最佳途径/打井的最好地方;the~person for the job/medicine for a cold 这个工作的最佳人选/治感冒最好的药;I'm doing what is~for you.我在做对你最有益的事情。send one's~wish 致以最美好的祝愿;Which method is~? 哪种方法最好?~man伴郎,男傧相;〖同〗superior,finest,most,excellent;〖反〗poorest,worst;

the best part of 大半(部分):It rained for the~part of the week.下了多半个星期的雨。

adv (well的最高级) (1) 最好(佳)地 (in the most excellent way):work~in the morning在早晨工作效率最高;do sth~under pressure有压力时做……最有利;see sth~through a microscope在显微镜下看……最清楚;sing~of all 唱得比谁都好;the~kept garden in the street 那条街上养护得最好的花园;He laughswho laughs last.(prov) 谁笑到最后谁笑得最好。Do as you think~.你觉得怎么做最好就怎么做吧! You know~.你最知道应该怎么做好。〖反〗worst;

(2) 最,极 (in or to the highest degree; most) (常用于合成词中):the~-known/-loved/-hated/-liked/-looking writer最知名/最受爱戴/最遭恨/最受喜爱/最好看的作家;know/enjoy/suit sth~(of all) 最了解/喜欢/适合……;Which (car)/What (fruit) do you like (to buy)~? 你最喜欢(买)哪一辆(车)/什么(水果)? Which job pays~? 哪个工作报酬最高? the person~able to do the job 最有能力做这个工作的人;~seller 畅销书;〖同〗most;〖反〗least;

had (AmE & BrE)/would (AmE) best 最好(=had better):I/You/She had best (or better) phone him first. 我/你(们)/她最好先给他去个电话。

as best one can 尽量(可能)地:We tried to smooth over the difficulties as~we could. 我们尽了最大的努力去克服困难。

→͵best-′selling adj 畅销(流行)的;

n (1) 最佳(杰出)者 (that which is good to the greatest extent)[the~]:be among the~of husbands/workers/friends属于最好的丈夫/工人/朋友;be among the~in the country/in this field这个国家/领域中的佼佼者之一;be the~of the lot/the bunch 这些/伙人中的佼佼者;Which is the~of the three? 这三者中哪一个最好? They are the~of friends.他们是最要好的朋友。Even the~of us can make mistakes.即使是我们中的最优秀者也可能犯错误。Even the~may not be good enough. 即使是最好的也不可能十全十美。want/expect/hope for the~想要/期待/希望最好的东西;This is the~he can do.这是他所能做到的最佳水平。You haven't heard the~.你还没有听到最精彩的部分。〖同〗choice;

(2) 最佳部分 (most excellent part (of sth)) [the~]:look one's~显得最美;The roses are at their~in June.玫瑰花6月份开得最盛。After a good night's sleep, he was at his~.美美地睡了一夜之后他精力旺盛。do one's~to get there on time 尽力按时到那里;try one's~to save the situation 尽力挽救局势;The~of life/the summer is past (over) now. 一生的顶盛时期/夏日的最好时光已经过去了。That's the~of having a car. 这是有汽车的最大好处。Please give my~to them. 请代我向他们问候! send one's~to all 向大家遥祝安好;Goodbye, and all the~! 再见,祝万事如意!

at best 顶多,充其量,最好:You can earn £80 a week here at~.你在这里一周顶多能赚80英镑。

the best of both worlds 两者(鱼与熊掌)兼而得之:In the job I have the~of both worlds — a job with a good salary and the chance to travel. 这个工作使我两种好处兼而得之:薪水不菲,又有机会旅行。

get/have the best of 取胜,占优势:Which side got/had the~of it/the game/the argument? 哪边赢了/比赛获胜了/辩论获胜了? Nobody's ever gotten the~of me. 没有人打赢过我。get/have the~of a deal 交易中占了便宜;

make the best of 尽量利用(往好里做):have to make the~of a bad job/a bad deal/a bad state of affair工作不好/买卖不满意/情况不妙却尽力而为;have to make the~of the situation for the present/what one has充分利用目前的情况/仅有的东西;have to make the~of oneself尽自己的力量;There's nowhere else to go, so make the~of it.没有别的地方可去,就随遇而安吧。

to the best of one's knowledge/one's belief/one's memory/one's ability 就……所知/所信/所记/所能:To the~of my knowledge/my belief he's still here. 据我所知,他还在这里。To the~of my memory he was tall.据我记忆,他个子高。I'll fulfil my obligation to the~of my ability. 我将尽力去履行义务。

with the best (of them) 和别人一样出色:She can play cards with the~of them. 她牌打得和别人一样好。

vt打败,(以智)取胜 (defeat; get the better of) [T+n, 尤pass]:~one's rival in a game/one's opponent in hand-to-hand combat 比赛中击败对手/肉搏中击败敌人;He was~ed in the argument.辩论中他被驳倒。





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