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单词 茹毛饮血

茹毛饮血rú máo yǐn xuè

eat animal flesh raw and drink its blood; live the life of a savage; [of primitive man] eat birds and animals raw
❍ 常人大概不至于因我们的祖先曾~而嘲笑他们。An ordinary person will not go so far as to laugh at our forefathers who ate animal flesh raw and drank its blood.

茹毛饮血ru mao yin xue

(of primitive man) eat the raw flesh of birds and beasts

茹毛饮血ru mao yin xue

(of primitive man) eating the raw flesh of birds and beasts

茹毛饮血rú máo yǐn xuè

茹:吃。连毛带血都吃掉。指古代原始人生吃禽兽。eat birds and animals raw, eat the raw flesh of birds and beasts, live the life of a savage





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更新时间:2025/3/3 7:18:43