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单词 sting
sting/stɪ ŋ/ nv stungstung/stʌŋ/]

n (1)(昆虫或动物的)蛰针(刺,钩)(sharp pointed often poisonous organ of some insects and other animals used as a weapon)[C]:the~of a scorpion 蝎子的毒钩;get the bee~out 取出蜜蜂的蛰刺;Bees always leave their~s in the wound. 蜜蜂总是把它们的刺留在伤口中。〖同〗prick,stinger;

(2)(植物的)刺,刺毛(substance in the hairs of a plant's surface that causes pain when one touches them)[C]:Many nettles have~s. 很多荨麻有刺毛。

(3)刺(蛰,叮)痛(伤);刺(蛰,叮)痛处((place of) sharp painwound caused by an animal's or a plant's sting)[C]:have a bee~on one's lip 嘴唇被蜜蜂蛰过;sooth a wasp~by putting vinegar on it 在被黄蜂刺过的地方涂上醋,以减轻疼痛;the~of coral/a jellyfish 珊瑚/海蜇的刺蛰(处);Some spiders can give a poisonous~. 一些蜘蛛可能造成有毒的刺痛。His hands were covered in~s.他双手布满刺伤。

(4)(身心的)刺痛(any sharp pain of body or mind that causes unhappinesssufferingetc)[CU]:the~of a whip/wind/remorse/hard times/jealousy 鞭打/风/悔恨/艰难时世/妒嫉的刺痛;feel the~of sb's bitter words/one's defeat 感到某人的尖刻话语造成的刺痛/失败的痛苦;〖同〗wound,pain,hurt,ache,blow,bite,shock;

(5)刺伤(痛)力(wounding effect)[CU]:Her tongue has a nasty~. 她的话伤人。the~of sb's tongue 某人伤人的话语;

a sting in the tail 最后才显出坏处:His stories always have a nasty~in the tail. 他的故事最后总让人不愉快。

take the sting out of 使不引起刺痛(痛苦):He smiled to take the~out of his words. 他边说边微笑着,从而使自己的话不至于刺伤别人。

→′sting-ray n 刺魟(一种尾有毒刺的鱼);

v(1)刺,蛰,叮;刺(蛰,叮)伤(prickwound or hurt by means of a sting or as if of a sting)[IT+n]:Do those insects/nettles~? 那些昆虫蛰人/荨麻刺人吗? be stung by a bee 被蜜蜂刺痛;~sb on the neck 蛰某人的脖子;be stung on the arm/the cheek by a bee (hornet) 被蜜蜂(大黄蜂)蛰了手臂/脸颊;The whip stung him. 鞭子抽得他针刺一样的疼。The smoke stung his eyes. 烟熏得他眼睛发痛。a~ing wind/retort 刺骨的风/尖刻的反驳;〖同〗prick,wound,stab,pierce,penetrate;

(2)感到刺痛(feel a sharpsmarting pain)[I]:Mary's eyes are~ing from the smoke. 玛丽的眼睛让烟熏得发痛。His knees/fingers are~ing from the cold. 他的膝盖/手指冻得发痛。The salt water made her eyes~. 盐水使她感到眼睛灼痛。His ears and fingers stung with the cold. 他的耳朵和手指冻得像针刺般疼痛。〖同〗burn,smart,prick;

(3)刺痛,激怒(drive or provoke sb to act)[T+nT+n+prep (into/to)]:His abrupt reply stung her. 他生硬的回答刺痛了她。Jim was stung by the mockings of the other children. 吉姆被其他孩子们的嘲笑激怒了。The cruel words stung him into a rude reply. 伤人的话语使他作出了粗暴的回答。Their taunts and dares stung him to action/into fighting. 他们的讥笑和挑战促使他行动起来/激他打架。〖同〗provoke,arouse,awaken;

(4)索高价,敲竹杠(charge sb too much money for sth)[T+nT+n+prep (for)]:be stung for $20 被敲去了20美元;How much did they~you for? 他们诈你多少钱?〖同〗overcharge





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