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单词 inert
释义 inert /I'nxt; IN'st/ adj 1 without power to move or act: 无活动力的: ~ matter. 无活动力的物质。 2 without active chemical properties: 不起彳匕摩作用的: ~ gases. 不生化学作用的气体; 惰性气体。 3 heavy and slow in (mind or body). (身或心)迟钝的; 呆滞的。 inertia /I'nxja; in's/s/ n [U] 1 state of being ~ (3). 迟如呆浦。 2 property of matter by which it remains in a state of rest or, if it is in motion, continues in the same direction and in a straight line unless it is acted upon by an ex- .ternal force. 惰性; 惯性。




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