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❶ (形容水或其他事物无边际, 看不清楚) boundless and indistinct; widespread and unclear: 渺 ~ distant and indistinct; 白 ~ ~ a vast expanse of whiteness
❷ (无所知) ignorant; in the dark; at sea: ~ 昧 uncomprehending; hoodwinked
❸[书] (急遽) rapid; sharp; sudden Ⅱ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 端巨 Mang Duanju
◆茫茫 boundless and indistinct; vast; 茫茫大海 boundless sea; a vast sea; having no limit; infinite; 茫然 ignorant; vacant; blank; in the dark; at a loss; 茫然不解 be quite at a loss; be all at sea; can not take it in; 茫然不知 be at a loss to understand ...; be utterly ignorant of ...; 茫然不知所措 bewilder; wallow in its ignorance; bemusement; be at a loss what to do; be at sea; 茫然境地 quandary; 茫然若失 lose oneself in a reverie; look blank; be dazed; be at sea; be vacuous; feel lost; amort; vacuousness; 茫然失措 be all adrift; be besides oneself; be out of the wits [senses]; 茫然无措 be at one's wits' end; be all at sea; petrify; 茫无头绪 be confused like a tangle of flax; not know where to begin; lose track of the sequence of events; be confused without a clue; be completely [wholly] at sea; at a loss





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