范围scope;limits;range;sphere;extent;pale 持久地发展两国间的友好合作,其意义远远超出两国的~。The significance of sustained development of friendship and cooperation extends far beyond the scope of our two countries(or far exceeds our bilateral relations)./谈话的~很广。The talk covered a wide range of subjects./宣布化学武器的使用越出文明行为的~ declare the use of chemical weapons beyond the pale of civilized conduct/国家管辖~limits of national jurisdiction/在协定规定的~内within the framework of the agreement/在法律~以外beyond the pale (or scope)of law/在法律~以内within the pale of law/实际控制~extent of actual control/势力~sphere of influence/作业~operating range/职权~ terms of reference/~狭小limited in scope |