释义 |
茂màoⅠ ❶ (茂盛) luxuriant; profuse; exuberant: 草木繁 ~ a lush growth of trees and grass; 根深叶 ~ deep roots and exuberant foliage ❷ (丰富精美) rich and splendid: 图文并 ~ excellent picture and wonderful accompanying essay Ⅱ ❶ {化} (有机化合物C5H6) cyclopentadiene ❷ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 真 Mao Zhen ◆茂林修竹 flourishing woods and tall bamboo bushes — an agreeable environment; thick forest and tall bamboos; deep woods and tall bamboos; 茂密 (of grass, trees) dense; thick; 茂盛 luxuriant; flourishing; exuberant; plenitude; lush; prosperous; 茂盛生长 flourish |