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单词 英雄无用武之地

英雄无用武之地yīng xióng wú yòng wǔ zhī dì

a hero with no place to display his prowess——there is no scope for one to exercise his abilities; an able person with no scope for displaying his abilities; talents are being neglected
❍ ~,就是说,你的一套大道理,群众不赏识。(《毛泽东选集》808) By “a hero with no place to display his prowess”,we mean that your collection of great truths is not appreciated by the masses./“空度日”、“为谁雄?”都是愤世嫉俗之词,在慨叹~。(郭沫若《李白与杜甫》157) “Empty days” and “who appreciates us?” express his contempt of and indignation at the society of his time,and complain about both his own and Li Bai’s talents being neg lected.

英雄无用武之地ying xiong wu yong wu zhi di

hero with no place to display his prowess—have no chance to put one’s ability to good use


a hero with no place to display his prowess—having no scope to exercise his abilities

英雄无用武之地yīnɡ xiónɡ wú yònɡ wǔ zhī dì

比喻才能无处发挥或没有机会发挥。no scope to exercise one’s abilities, a hero with no place to display his prowess





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