沧海横流,方显出~本色。(郭沫若词)When the sea are in turmoil,Heros are on their mettle.(Guo Moruo’s poem)/人民~永垂不朽!The People’s Heroes are Immortal! Eternal Glory to the People’s Heroes!/人民~纪念碑Monument to the People’s Heroes/时势造~Events make man; The times produce their heroes./革命~主义revolutionary heroism /民族~national hero/女~heroine/前线的~战士们 heroic (or valiant) fighters at the front/传奇式的~legendary heroes/二次世界大战的~ World War Ⅱ heroes/无名~anonymous heroes/~的中国人民the heroic Chinese people/~本色true quality of a hero/~气概heroism; heroic spirit;heroic mettle;intrepidity/~行为heroic conduct/~形象heroic model/~业绩heroic deeds; acts (or feats)of heroism