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单词 苦心孤诣

苦心孤诣kǔ xīn gū yì

make extraordinarily painstaking efforts; take great pains; toil single heartedly; try hard
❍ 即本厂产品,亦无存在之必要,只系兵工署为大众生活,~保持之下得以生存……(罗广斌、杨益言《红岩》40) The products of this plant are equally superfluous and it is solely due to concern felt by the Armament Bureau for the welfare of the workers that the plant has survived…/正如 ‘禹入裸国亦裸而游’ 一样,要改良社会,不得不然,别人那里会懂得我们的~。(鲁迅《华盖集》24) Yu went naked to the land of the naked. This has to be done to reform society,though little do others know what it costs me.
❍ 这当然自有他的~,但这样下去,可要成为大众的新帮闲的。(《鲁迅选集》Ⅳ—94) Of course their intentions are good,but this is turning them into new public clowns.
❍ 有好些回等你~地把什么都准备周到了,他会突然中止。(郭沫若《屈原》42) Often,when you have taken great pains in preparation,he will suddenly call everything off.
❍ 我在破获秘密的满足中,又很愤怒他的瞒了我的眼睛,这样~地来偷做没出息孩子的玩艺。(鲁迅《野草》21) I was pleased to have found out his secret; but furious that he could deceive me so long,while he toiled so single heartedly to make the toy of a good-for-nothing child.
❍ 雅人和信士和传统大家,定要~巧语花言地再来补足了十景而后已。(《鲁迅选集》Ⅱ—31) The cultured elite,the devout and the traditionalists with their glib tongues will try by hook or by crook to make up the ten sights again and will not rest content till they have done so.

苦心孤诣kǔ xīn ɡū yì

苦心:刻苦用心;孤诣:独到的境地。指煞费苦心地钻研、达到了他人所达不到的境地。make extraordinarily painstaking efforts, take great pains, try hard





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