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单词 苦大仇深

苦大仇深kǔ dà chóu shēn

be among the most downtrodden and have deep hatred (for);be through much bitterness and thirst for revenge; go through terrible sufferings and have an undying hatred; suffer bitterly and have (/nurse) a deep hatred
❍ 这里我要表扬旺发大伯,他屡经灾难,~。(黎汝清《海岛女民兵》80) I would like to commend Granddad Wangfa. His life has been a hard one and he has an undying hatred…/我们妇女在旧社会,~,靶子就是敌人,我们要狠狠地打! (黎汝清《海岛女民兵》151) We women suffered from the reactionaries in the old society,so shoot to kill!

苦大仇深ku da chou shen

have suffered bitterly with deep hatred

苦大仇深kǔ dà chóu shēn

形容遭受剥削压迫最重,对剥削者的仇恨非常深。suffer bitterly and nurse deep hatred, be among the most down-trodden and have hatred





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更新时间:2024/11/15 14:57:43