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单词 若有所失

若有所失ruò yǒu suǒ shī

as though part of one’s soul had left him;as if one had suffered some great loss; feel as if sth were missing (/amiss); lapse into a spell of stupefaction; look distracted
❍ 有一天,我忽然感到寂寞了,真所谓“~”。(鲁迅《朝花夕拾》15)One day,I suddenly felt as lonely “as if bereft of something.”/宝玉秦钟二人随便起坐说话儿,那宝玉自一见秦钟,心中便如有所失,……(《红楼梦》89)❶At sight of Qin Zhong,Baoyu had felt quite eclipsed. He lapsed in to a spell of stupefaction.
❷When Baoyu first set eyes on Qin Zhong it had been as though part of his soul had left him.
❍ 道静终日~似的坐立不安。(杨沫《青春之歌》196) As the days passed,Daojing felt more worried and her sense of loss deepened.

若有所失ruò yǒu suǒ shī

好像丢掉了什么东西一样。形容心神不定。look distracted, feel lost somehow, look blank





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