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(译音用字) a word used in translitera ̄ tions: 般 ~ [梵] prajna; wisdom
另见 see also ruò。


(如; 好像) like; seem; as if: 呆 ~ 木鸡 dumb as a wooden chicken; dumbstruck; 旁 ~ 无人 act as if there was no one else present; self-assured or supercilious Ⅱ [书] (如果) if: 人不犯我, 我不犯人; 人 ~ 犯我, 我必犯人。 We will not attack unless we are attacked; if we are attacked, we will certainly counterattack. 他 ~ 能来, 我们一定热烈欢迎。 If he could come, we would give him a warm welcome. ~ 不是他指引, 我们就迷路了。 If it weren't for him, we would have gone astray. Ⅲ [书] (你) you: ~ 辈 people like you Ⅳ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 章 Ruo Zhang
另见 see also rě。
◆若虫 {昆} nymph; 若非 if not; had it not been; were it not for; 若干 a certain number or amount; how many; how much; 若何 how; what; 若即若离 be neither friendly nor aloof; hold oneself slightly aloof; keep sb. at arm's length; maintain a lukewarm relationship; neither to accept nor reject; 若明若暗 be now open now covert; have a blurred [an indistinct] picture of; have a hazy notion about; semi- transparent; translucent; 若是 if; supposing; 若无其事 act as if nothing were on one's mind; (appeared) as if nothing had happened; as if nothing had occurred; as if nothing were wrong; carry it off well; (went off) just as if nothing at all had happened; 若要人不知,除非己莫为 If you don't want people to know what you do, don't do it!; If you don't want people to know, you'd better not do it.; If you want to keep sth. from people, don't do it.; The only way to prevent people from knowing is not to do it.; What is done by night appears by day.; Murder will out.; 若隐若现 partly hidden and partly visible; indistinct; (It) disappeared, reappearing again (like smoke).; 若有所失 look blank [distracted]; feel as if bereft of sth.; feel disturbed as if having lost sth.; feel sth. is missing; feel the lack of sth.; (He) felt as if (he) had lost sth..; (She) felt something was lost (to her).; 若有所思 as if thinking of sth.; as if absorbed in thought; as if deep in thought





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