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单词 index
释义 index /'mdeks; 'indeks/ n (pl ~es or, in science, 科学用语亦作 indices /indisi: z; hnda/Siz/) 1 sth that points to or indicates; pointer (on an instrument) showing measurements: 指示物; 指标; 指针: The increasing sale of luxuries was an ~ of the country's prosperity. 奢侈品销售之增加显示出这个国家的繁荣。 the '~finger, the finger next to the thumb, used for pointing. 食指。→ the illus at arm. 参看 arm 之插图。 2 list of names, sub jects, references, etc in ABC order, at the end of a book, or on cards (a 'card ~) in a library, etc. 索引(名称、科目、参考书等之名单,按照字母顺序排列,附于书后或载于图书馆等之索引卡上)。 the I ~,(hist) list of books not to be read by members of the RC Church without permission. (史)天主敎徒未经准许不得阅读之书目单。 3 '~num ber/figure, one that indicates the relative level of prices or wages at a particular date compared with the figure 100 (for an earlier period) as a standard: (物价、工资善之)指数: the cost of living ~, 生活费指数; (of wages, pensions) (指薪资,退休金) ~ linked/related, adjusted accordingly. 按照指数调整的。 4 (alg) exponent: (代数)指数: bl + xn, 3 and n are indices. 在 b8 + x 中,3 和 n 是指数。 vt [VP6A] make an ~ for a book, collection of books, etc; put a word, reference, etc in an ~: 为(书籍等)编索引; 将(一字、参考指示等) 编入索引中: The book is not well ~ed. 这本书的索引编福好。 ~er n person who prepares an ~ (2). 索引编者。




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