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单词 花言巧语

花言巧语巧语花言huā yán qiǎo yǔ

blandishment; blarney; flattery; sweet (/fine)words; honeyed (/artful) talk; flannel-mouthed;flowery speeches; glib tongued
❍ 她坐在灶脚底下,~,说一大套。(周立波《山乡巨变》91) She sat by the stove and talked a lot of clever stuff.
❍ 他们的一切~都是骗人的,…… (《毛泽东选集》 1105) All their fine words are nothing but humbug;…/湘云摔手道:“你那~,别望着我说。……”(《红楼梦》254)❶Xiangyun waved him crossly away. “Don’t try to get round me with your flattering talk.…”
❷Xiangyun silenced him with an imperious wave of her hand: “You can save your fine speeches for someone else. They’re wasted on me.…”/这样负心的人,从前都是~来哄着我们! (《红楼梦》1490) So all this heartless fellow’s honeyed talk before was to fool us!/听了狗腿子的~而着迷的人家,一天比一天多。(高云览《小城春秋》48) Every day,more and more people were beguiled by runners’ smooth talk.
❍ 他两个巧语花言,鼓脑争头,损坏英杰。(《关汉卿戏剧集·邓夫人苦痛哭存孝》342) Chunli and Cunxin wagged their tongues,shook their heads and slandered the hero.
❍ 知更鸟在每一家草棚院的庭树上,~地警告: “小伙子小伙子贪睡觉!田禾黄了你知道?”(柳青《创业史》550)In every tree in every thatched cottage compound,the robins were warbling a subtle warning: Hey,young fellow,don’t sleep so,|The grain is yellow,don’t you know?/再者: 放头儿,还只怕他巧语花言的和你借贷些簪环衣裳做本钱。(《红楼梦》949) Another thing to raise money for her bank I dare say she wheedled you into lending her some trinkets and clothes to pawn.
❍ 谁听你~,我这里寻根拔树。(《关汉卿戏剧集·包待制智斩鲁斋郎》48) Who believes your wicked lies? |I must get to the bottom of this.
❍ 雅人和信士和传统大家,定要苦心孤诣巧语花言地再来补足了十景而后已。(《鲁迅选集》 Ⅱ—31) The cultured elite,the devout and the traditionalists with their glib tongues will try by hook or by crook to make up the ten sights again,and will not rest content till they have done so.

花言巧语hua yan qiao yu

sweet words


sweet words;blandishments


sweet words;honeyed words;cajolery;coaxing;blandishments
他们的一切~都是骗人的。All their fine words are nothing but humbug.

花言巧语huā yán qiǎo yǔ

原指华丽动听但内容空洞的言语或文辞;现多指虚伪动听的谎话。sweet words, have an oily tongue, blandishments, banana oil, deceiving words, make a sophisticated speech





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更新时间:2025/1/19 18:25:34