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单词 花天酒地

花天酒地huā tiān jiǔ dì

be (out) on the tiles;be (/go/live) on the loose (/in the world of wine and women); go on the racket; guzzle and carouse to one’s heart’s content; have one’s fling; indulge in a gay life; indulge in dissipation; lead a life of debauchery
❍ 姜三膘子一辈子作威作福,~,……(曲波《林海雪原》22) All his life Fatty lived high,guzzling and carousing to his heart’s content.
❍ 拿钱买笑,没有意思,同他们那些官僚政客~鬼混,更没有意思。(李六如《六十年的变迁》 Ⅰ—302) It’s really no fun to “buy”love,and it’s even more revolting to be mixed up in the foul life of bureaucrats and politicians.
❍ ~辞旧岁,张灯结彩过除夕,堂上堂下齐欢笑,酒不醉人人自醉。(《白毛女》12) With feasting and wine we see the Old Year out,|And hang lanterns and garlands to cel ebrate New Year’s Eve!|There are smiles on the faces of our guests Who are drunk with joy,not wine.


dining,wining and womanizing;indulge in dissipation;lead a decadent and dissolute life;lead a life of debauchery

花天酒地huā tiān jiǔ dì

形容沉湎于吃喝嫖赌、荒淫无度的腐烂堕落生活中;也指富贵繁华的景象,或在美好的环境中饮酒作乐。indulge in dissipation, have one’s fling, be on the tiles, lead a fast life, be on the loose





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