艾àiⅠ ❶ {植} (艾蒿;蕲艾) Chinese mugwort;Argy wormwood;mugwort wormwood ❷ {植} (艾绒) moxa ❸ [书] (年老的人) old people;the old ❹ [书] (美女) beautiful woman ❺ (古地名) Ai (an ancient place name in Jiangxi Province) ❻ (山名) Mount Ai ❼ (姓氏) a surname:~ 思奇 Ai Siqi Ⅱ [书] ❶ (停止;到头;尽) end;stop:方兴未 ~ be just unfolding ❷ (报答) repay;requite ❸ (养育) bring up;rear ❹ (辅助) assist Ⅲ [书] (美好;漂亮) beautiful;pretty;handsome:少 ~ the young and handsome 另见 see also yì。 ◆艾艾难言 stutter and speak with difficulty; 艾蒿 Artemisia argyi;felon herb; 艾灸 {中医} moxa- moxibustion; moxibustion; 艾炷 moxa cone; 艾滋病 Aids; AIDS; Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome
艾yì [书] ❶ (收获) reap ❷ (治理) administer; govern ❸ (惩治) punish 另见 see also ài。 |