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单词 stay
stay/steɪ/ v & n

v (1)逗(停)留,待下(continue to be somewhere;not go away or change)[L+adjII+prepI+advI+to-infI+n+prep]:~late at the party 在晚会上待到很晚;I have no time to~. 我没有时间逗留了。Shall I go or~? 我是走呢,还是留下来?~for the answer 留下来等候答复;~in teaching 继续从教;~in bed/(at) home 卧床(休息)/待在家里;~away from school 不上学;~indoors for a few days/there until sb arriving 几天不出门/在某人到来之前不离开那里;~to see what will happen 留下来看将要发生什么;~ten minutes 待10分钟;〖同〗remain;〖反〗leave,go,depart;
 (2)保持某种状态(keep on being)[L+adjL+n]:~well/still/single 保持身体好/保持安静/仍然单身;~awake to see the eclipse 依然没睡等待看月食;The shop~s open till seven o'clock. 商店一直开门到晚7点。~friends for years 多年来一直是朋友;You got to be an editor,and I~ed a reporter. 你当上了编辑,我还是个记者。〖同〗remain,endure;
 (3)暂住,留宿(remain or reside temporarily as a guest or a visitor)[II+prepI+n+prep]:How long can you~here? 你在这里能住多久?~overnight at a friend's house 在朋友家过一夜;~in a hotel/with sb 住在饭店/和某人住一起;~the night with sb和某人过夜;〖同〗reside,dwell,lodge,room,live;
 (4)停(制)止,延缓(stop;delay;postpone;satisfy the need for sth temporarily)[T+n](fml):~one's tongue/punishment/judgement/the progressment of a disease 住嘴/延缓处罚/推迟审判/防止疾病恶化;Prudence~ed his hand. 谨慎使他住手。eat some bread and butter to~one's hunger/one's stomach till dinner time 正餐前吃点黄油面包聊以充饥;She~ed her tears until her lover was out of sight. 情人走远,她的泪水再也忍不住了。〖同〗postpone,check;〖反〗loose,free,release,express;
 (5)等一会儿,暂停(stop;wait a moment)[I](通常impar):S~! You forgot your umbrella. 等等,你忘记拿伞了。But~! What is this I see? 等等,这是什么?
 be here to stay/have come to stay (infml)得到公众的承认,被普遍接受:Plastic kitchenware is here to~. 塑料厨房器皿现已普遍使用。
 stay put 留在原地,固定不动:“S~put,”he said,“I'll be back soon.”“别走开,”他说,“我一会儿就回来。”
 stay away (from)(v adv)离(避)开,不打扰(vt):S~away from me. I've got a bad cold. 离我远点,我患了重感冒。
 stay behind (v adv)留下不走(vi):If you~behind after class. I'll repeat the directions. 如果你课后留下不走,我将重复一遍操作指南。
 stay down (v adv) 1)停留在较低位置(vi):Isn't it windy? My hair won't~down. 真是有风吗? 我的头发老给吹起来。2)(食物)滞留在胃里(vi):Jennie is sick again;nothing she eats will~down. 珍妮又吐了,胃里都吐空了。
 stay for/to (v prep)留下吃饭(vt):Please~for dinner. We'd love to have you. 留下来吃饭吧,我们很高兴你和我们一起吃饭。
 stay in (v adv) 1)不出门,待在家里(vi):Who wants to~in on such a beautiful day? 如此美好的日子里,谁还愿意待在家里? 2)留校挨罚(vi):This class will~in for half an hour after school! 放学后这个班将留校半小时!
 stay on (v adv) 1)继续留在上面(vi):How does your hat~on in this high wind? 这么大风,你的帽子怎么能戴得住呢? 2)依然亮着(燃烧,运转)(vi):Something's wrong with the switch,I have turned the light off but it~s on! 开关一定有毛病了,我关了开关,可灯依然亮着。
 stay on (at) (v adv)继续留下(vi):The promising young doctor was asked to~on at the hospital after his period of training. 那位大有前途的年轻医生在这家医院培训后被要求留下来继续工作。
 stay out (v adv) 1)待在户外(vi):There's no garage so the car will have to~out all winter. 由于没有车库,这辆小车将不得不整个冬季都放在露天地。2)继续罢工(vi):All the workers are~ing out until their demands are met. 所有的工人将坚持罢工直到他们的要求得到满足。
 stay out of (v adv prep)远离(vt):I'd been looking for him for years,but always he managed to~just out of reach. 我找了他几年,但他总是有意躲着我。
 stay up (v adv) 1)不去睡(vi):We~ed up until midnight talking about our work. 我们谈论工作一直到午夜时分。2)没有倒塌(下沉,被拆掉)(vi):My husband has lost so much weight that he has to wear a belt to make his trousers~up. 我丈夫体重减轻了许多,他现在不得不系上腰带以防裤子掉下来。
 stay with (v prep)继续注意听(vt)(infml):S~with me for a few more minutes and you'll see the point of the story. 再听我讲几分钟,你就会明白事情的关键。
 →′stayer n 有耐力的人或动物;′stay-at-home n (infml通常derog) 很少离家外出的人;不喜欢冒险的人;′staying-power n 耐(精)力;
 n 逗(停)留,留宿(brief period of residence or visiting)[C,通常sing]:have an overnight/three days'~in London 在伦敦逗留一夜/三天;have a short~with sb 在某人处暂住;make a~of nine days 作九天的逗留;enjoy one's~somewhere 很高兴在某处逗留;〖同〗stop,visit;
 a stay of execution 延(缓)期,缓期执行:He was granted a~of execution for a year. 他被判缓刑一年。
 【辨异】stay remain的区别见REMAIN。





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