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单词 station
station/′steɪ ⨜n/ n & vt

n (1)(车)站,车站建筑(place where trains stop so that passengers can get on and offand goods can be loaded or unloaded;building where passengers can buy ticketsand wait for the trains or busesetc)[C]:a coach/subway/railway~长途汽车/地铁/火车站;buy a newspaper at a~在车站买份报纸;a~buffet/hotel 车站食堂/旅店;the~platform 站台;〖同〗terminal,stop;

(2)站,所,局(place or building with special facilitieswhere a service is provided or certain activities are directed)[C]:a fire/polling/first aid/radar/power~消防/投票/急救/雷达/发电站;an agricultural research~农业研究所;a biological research~ 生物研究所; a police~警察局;a petrol/filling/service/(AmE) gas~加油站;

(3)电(视)台(company equipped to transmit radio or television signals)[C]:a local/pirate radio~地方/非法广播电台;a TV~电视台;foreign~s 外国电台;I can get ten~s on my radio. 我的收音机能收到10个台。

(4)身份,地(职)位(social position;rank;status)[C](旧用法)(fml):in all~s of life 社会各阶层;a humble~in life 生活中卑微的地位;content with one's~in life 满足于自己的社会地位;marry above/beneath one's~和身份高/低的人结婚;remain at one's~留在岗位上;〖同〗rank,position,status;

(5)位置,岗位(place of duty;position to be taken or maintained) [U]:(warship) be out of~(军舰)未在编队位置;All men to your~.全体人员各就各位! take one's~at the door 在门边站岗;〖同〗position,post,location;

(6)小型军事基地,驻地(small military base)[CGp]: an air force~空军基地;a naval~海军基地;return to one's army~返回驻地;

(7)(澳,新)大牧场(big farm for cattle or sheep in Australia or New Zealand)[C]:a cattle~养牛场;

vt 安置,使驻扎(put (sboneselftroops etc) at or in a certain place or position to perform some duty)[尤passT+nT+n+prep]:(army/guards) be~ed in Spain/in the German base 驻扎在西班牙/德国基地;be~ed round the prison/at the exit 守在监狱四周/布置在出口处;They~themselves among the bushes/at all the entrances to the building/at the corner of the road to keep watch. 他们隐藏在矮树丛中/守在大楼的所有入口处/在路的拐角以便于观察。〖同〗assign,post,locate,place,install;

【辨异】station appointmentofficepost的区别见APPOINTMENT。





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