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单词 stare
stare/steǝ(r), AmE ster/ v [-d,-d/d/;-eing/ rɪ ŋ/];n

v (1)凝(注)视(look with a steadyoften wide-eyed gazeas in longing curiosityor surprise)[II+prep (at),I+adv]:Don't~— it's rude! 别盯着看,那是无礼的! make sb~使某人惊谔;Don't~at handicapped people 不要盯着残疾人看。~into space/the distance 凝视太空/远方;~across the water/over the field凝视水域/田野;~in (with) amazement/astonishment 惊讶/惊奇地瞪大眼睛;His eyes~d straight ahead. 他的目光凝视正前方。〖同〗glare,watch;

(2)目不转睛把……看得,把……注视得(bring or force sb into a certain state by gazing sternly and intently)[T+n+prep (into)]:~sb into silence/submission 瞪着某人使其安静下来/把某人盯得服了;He has a way of~ing his listeners into agreeing with him. 他有一种盯着自己的听众使其同意自己看法的办法。

stare sb in the face 就在眼前:I thought I had lost my watch,but here it was staring me in the face. 我以为手表丢了,其实就在我面前。

stare sb down/out (v adv) 盯得……不敢再对视下去;以目光压倒(vt):The time and place were unsuitable for an argument,but at least I could express my opposition to the woman by~ing her out. 虽然时间和地点不适合争论,但至少我能用目光压制那位女士以表示自己的反对。

n 凝(注)视(act or way of staring;staring look)[C]:give sb a rude~无礼地瞪某人一眼;one's icy~某人冰冷的凝视;with a~of surprise 惊奇地凝视;with a vacant/glassy~茫然/木然地凝视着;with an insolent~ 粗野地盯着看; receive (get) curious/admiring~from sb 惹来某人好奇/倾慕的目光;

【辨异】stare gazelook的区别见GAZE。





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